
White Josh is a cutie. He was so earnest in everything he did, like fixing her garbage disposal, catching her up on her step count (LOL!) and seriously apologizing for taking off his shirt after she scolded him.

While I sincerely love the show and will most probably continue to do so (I am a rare unicorn who likes the premise and how are the writers exploring it), I agree that comparison to Jane exposes CEG flaws. Of course, any show being compared to Jane would have troubles to come out of it favorably, since it's just that

Petra inseminated herself only two or three days after Mateo's birth.

I'm a straight woman, but in some scenes I just can't concentrate on her face. Her boobs are just spectacular and I love that the show not only doesn't ignore them but actually uses them in a smart way.

These were exactly my thoughts on Valencia as well. I really liked how the situation between her and Rebecca played out (despite the whole lot of cringe comedy), because, while obviously having signs of being a shallow stereotype she was initially presented with (and how Josh and Greg see her), she really DID need a

I think it was closer to "we're sexy dancing, I'm drunk, the tension is too much". It happens, trust me. Her obsession with Valencia did have a little sexual undertones and Rebecca's sexuality seems a little warped.

It's simply untrue. Yes, there is darkness in the Witcher universe, but the main theme of the story is love and support between a father and his daughter. And not in a tragic sense at all.

Exactly as I've taken this scene. "Nothing happened to me. I happened [to everyone I cared about]". There is sadness and resignation in Hannibal now, even if he's as flamboyant as ever. Almost as it's his swan song before he bows out.

Eh, drunk witchers are pretty hilarious.

In one of the endings there is a scene involving a wounded wolf. The sounds it made were seriously upsetting.

Regarding Triss/Yen conundrum: before you do or say to Triss anything you won't be able to take back, go to Skellige, seriously. You'd be able to return to Novigrad and without spending some time with Yennefer it would be hard to make an informed decision.

I know we shouldn't give out feminist cookies - but for all the times the developers stumble and fall on sexist issues - they really DO try.

What a lovely review!

Trolls in The Witcher universe are such sweethearts. Even when they eat people.

Xo remains my favorite character on the show.


Seriously, I don't want to start an country-wank argument here, but you need to check your facts. You're just wrong.

…No, it doesn't. Throwing acid at women in Central Europe is exactly as common as in North America/Western Europe - which is not very.

So far *three* murders! We know the culprit in two cases, but the third one remains unsolved!

Yeah, I noticed it too. Rafael really is used to solving his problems with money. He's not a bad person, but I think Xo is mostly right about him (at least for now).