Is there a code for the Qi charger? Showing $40 for me.
Is there a code for the Qi charger? Showing $40 for me.
Is there a code for the Qi charger? Showing $40 for me.
Is there a code for the Qi charger? Showing $40 for me.
When will these moron designers figure out that the USB ports go on TOP!!!
When will these moron designers figure out that the USB ports go on TOP!!!
I’d argue that doing small things that make other people’s lives easier returns net benefits for everyone involved, but who knows. I just mean that if after reading enough articles on this and The Takeout, it appears pretty quickly that these bloggers believe in helping service employees as much as possible,…
You said it. And are wrong.
Fellow healer here. 100% on everything listed above.
If you’re traveling around Canada, this is a common site. Most of our switches have natural gas heaters.
Alternate method for setting fire to railroad tracks:
If that picture isn’t a perfect distillation of 400 plus years of white colonialism, I don’t know what is.
I saw the headline and clicked to find out how to opt in and by golly you provided that info. Bless your heart
im handicapped, every time i see someone parked in a handicapped spot without a sticker or clearly not handicapped, i just take a pic with license plate and the parking spot and send to a friend who works at my town hall parking violations office. 500$ ticket every time i do it. and if i can i tell them that i did…
The lack of public phones at the school so they can call you to get picked up after practice makes it impossible for the kids to not have a phone.
The $7,500 tax credit is absurd to begin with as we would be better off simply mandating all vehicles becoming a hybrid with at minimum 1 KWh battery pack. Ram hybrid eTorque with a 0.43 KWh battery pack gaining 2 mpg (12% gain) would be the emissions reduction equivalent of a Prius gaining 19 mpg. Acura MDX hybrid…
To be fair, that’s an Australian cow. It’s size is greatly exaggerated by the Mercator projection.
They need a better evacuation plan.
There is nothing tragic about this. There is, however, some sort of poetic justice. Clearly, God wanted him dead - isn’t that how it works?
Alternate Headline: What Movie Pass Shareholders Can Expect On December 18th.
On the other hand, if all the good people quit, that will just leave room for more trash to come in.
I’ve spent my entire life trying to be the fastest at everything and I’ll be damned if I stop now.
Well, at least we know where Cave Johnson was working in the 50s and 60s...