Recorded on Pee-HS maybe?
Recorded on Pee-HS maybe?
I bet emails.
Lordy, I hope there are tapes!
9) Minutemen
They’re also likely buy things that Gwyneth Paltrow endorses through Goop.
Poor military republican gun nut sexual abuser and *rapist just can’t catch a break these days!
Nothing makes me more violent than watching ‘Bust a Nut in Grandma’s Butt Part 3'.
Pornography. It’s available. It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store.
Contrary to popular belief, homelessness is actually airborne so they could contaminate any nearby children.
“could be drug addicted” - very similar to the people in the line, waiting for their drugs....
Listen, if homeless people need a place to piss, they can pay millions of dollars to do so, with Russian hookers on a bed that Obama slept on, just like every other current United States President.
Put some chap stick on, kissing that much old white ass burns your lips out.
Although in a way this is a happy ending already.
I don’t know if they have the rights to it without Roseanne’s OK, but what if...
Opening: Dan in an ill-fitting black suit, trying to button the top shirt collar. “Screw it. I’ll go tieless. She hated it when I went tieless. Seems fitting...”
Jackie comes out of the bathroom in a robe. “Uh, I thought you’d be gone by…
I’d prefer she die on the toilet, in real life.
trumps trying to figure out a way to “pardon” her.
George Clinton was opposed to our form of government and tried to set up an alternative system based on a more European model. And then he tore roofs off places and turned mothers out.