
“If somebody came and took a shit in my coffee pot I’d certainly be talking about it but it doesn’t mean it would have done anything to improve be welfare of black lives.”

at this rate, the only champion who is going to accept the White House invite is the Clash of Klans champion.

Sons of bitches:

Typical conservative getting all angry and protecting the corporation instead of the person.

Yawn. Guess state’s rights are only A Thing for states who take more from the public trough than they put in.

Look at those assholes, ordinary fucking people. I hate ‘em.

Well, there will be a ship named after him, but it will probably be in the Russian navy.

Wow, the Halibut huh? Tough name. I suppose it was good enough for Jehovah.

No need, the Navy’s stellar year in the news is plenty enough.

Disclaimer: 12 years Active Duty Navy service. So that’s (former) Petty Officer Dickhead to you.

I didn’t know that Mitch McConnell could successfully lead anything through a disaster.

As an atheist, death holds no power over me. What happens after I die? Probably the same bullshit that was happening to “me” in the billions of years before I was born.

Then again, some might say that religion itself is nothing but an elaborate mechanism for coping with death anxiety.

Agreed!! All God fearing republicans in the state need to go down to Miami Beach right now and stand on the shores of the Atlantic. Their God will surely protect them because they have FAITH.

And Rush is getting larger!

“Shut the fuck up, Rush”


That’s Trump’s America for you. Greys are out first. Browns next.


Jesus rose 2 times. Jesus descended to hell 2 times. Then Jesus pushed left 2 times, right 2 times, then He pushed A, B, A, and B; then He pushed select, and then start

He was a carpenter in his early appearances, but I think they made him a plumber later