
Nice use of HDR in the photo.

The Talking Heads album cover still hurts my brain.

The Talking Heads album cover still hurts my brain.

“Fuck you and your fucking company. When do I start, bitch?”

You can’t pick your family. But you can damn well ignore them.

Beat me to it.

Those screenshots of the troll are begging for a Trump photoshop job though...

As soon as they say, “You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. nobody wants to say it, but I will say it right now.”

Sure beats having to think, though. /s

That’s really well built. So’s the bow.

I read that as “8 Signs You Should Skip Medication...”

No. Just, no.

I had to worry about this stuff when I was a kid. No kids should have to deal with those feelings now, but thanks to a stupid percentage of the population of the US, they do.

Do you have one for a cold nuclear winter?

Florida sinkhole? It needs to be a lot bigger.

There’s a place in France where the soldiers wear no pants...

This post literally gave me cancer.