
hmmm.. let's just see, since 2000... smells like a turd, looks like a turd, yep Pats CHEAT... get over it!

Soooo... I’m just wondering out loud here, but if I don’t know that I could go to prison for robbing a bank and I get away with it too.. I mean because I’m unaware of the punishment makes it ok ??? I’m pretty sure that's what the judge has said..

The heck with all you Cards haters... we managed to stay off this list of Why your team sucks longer than most teams! Cards are the best example of hard work, play fair, and win or lose... Cards for life!

isn't that entrapment?

The latest version of Outlook is very nice on IOS!

That's awesome, was the base taken down or now covered with snow?

at 10k feet i doubt they are tethered...

actually quite funny that an article about youtube is using vimeo video inserts!

and what exactly are they computing??? we already know the answer is 42!

reading classified documents, even if found on the internet is illegal ... leaked or not... I'd stay away from this one.

Still copying Apple right down to the black t-shirt and jeans eh?

LOL, awesome!

is it because it is porus and air fills it rather than it sitting on top of it.... think of a sponge???

This might be great for personal use, but some businesses may not trust the cloud. They will probably be slow in allowing their users to use this and store documents on servers that are not their own or under their control... it will be interesting to see how it plays out in the business community.

scary to think that insurance companies could start requiring and using this as a way to say they won't cover certain people...

I wish someone could make this into a screensaver :-) something like the that holding pattern screensaver...