
Why do people who care nothing about the teachings of Christ insist upon calling themselves Christians?

Hey, fuck you.

Yeah, who would take that so seriously?!

Imagine if people took Harry Potter or something as seriously as people take a 2,000-year-old work of fiction. She shouldn’t be celebrated. She should be mocked.

She remembers to make burnt offerings of two pigeons or doves 14 days after every menstrual period, right? Cuz you can’t pick and choose.

Going on the 700 Club doesn’t fall under “relatively quietly”.

I’ll respect someone standing up for their beliefs right up to the point where their belief is that an entire group of people that can’t change who they are is somehow less. “I don’t hate gays, I just don’t think they should get married and I won’t play soccer while wearing a jersey that celebrates them as people” is

“It’s not a pick and choose what you want to believe.”

I imagine her giving the “Y’know, the Jews had pieces of flair” speech from Office Space with absolute seriousness.

NC State, class of 1995.

Most of them would say no because they already have jobs. Being poor is a lot harder and more work than just working and earning a wage that pays the bills will ever be, and I know this from first hand experience.

I grew up in the same circumstances, though I will say that even though we attended church religiously (sorry), we received next to no assistance from them, outside of a box at Christmas, so my faith (sorry again) in religious charities is really quite limited. The only reason my mom, myself, my brother, and my

After having a laugh at your comment, I did a stupid thing and googled “Donald Trump motorcycle”