
I am so, so sorry you went through that. Fuck that worthless piece of shit; hopefully karma (and/or the justice system) gets him. I know I can't say anything to make you feel better, so how about this?

Ugh, the whole "I don't need any more friends" thing. I've always wondered how in fuck could someone be interested in a relationship with me if they're not interested in me as a friend. Plus, how can that even be a real thing? "I see you're well qualified for friendship, and you would normally be a strong candidate,

I have pants on. So there's that.

Chester M Hanks can fuck his own face.

Yeah, that's what I said. He sold a product. He should be grateful that he was able to sell a shitty product and get so rich.

I agree that it's definitely BETTER than a lot of anti-gay Christian rhetoric, but it still boils down to this:

Gaga responded, "Tell your parents, everything will be ok. You just need their support right now.

Nope, don't believe a word of it. Fame whores will do and say anything to get on TV.

I'm not convinced that isn't just a mark from whatever seat she was just in. It sure as hell doesn't look like cellulite to me.

Ugh. It makes me sick and angry. I do my tiny bit but drumbeat of selfishness and cruelty is ever so loud.

I choose not to soften it because this man who has chosen to say that someone yelling "no" until they are hoarse, something that women are taught is irrefutable proof of rape (I didn't just say no, I yelled it until I lost my fucking voice) could indeed be interpreted as yes, is not thinking with the rationale of a

No, on rereading this I see I left out 'night at' before 'best friend'. I'm sorry and also very, very tired. Not that the bridal party didn't notice our argument at the table but pretty much Ray is the only person there (besides me) who remembered it I'm sure. He broke his leg sliding into second base a few months

I finally saw this movie last year and damn, it really illuminates how dudes get to have a million wish fulfillment movies, but women don't.

Penis-bearer here. The suicide at the end undermined the "strong woman" message for me. In a similar situation, Butch and Sundance got to go out with guns blazing. Thelma and Louise drove into the Grand Canyon.

As much as Franco annoys me, I have to give him one reluctant prop for wanting to be known as an intellectual. Sure he's overexposed and tries waaaaay too hard and reminds you of that pretenti-douche in your sophomore English class that made it widely known the first week that he'd already read all the books on the

God forbid someone takes a personal tragedy and turns it into a positive vehicle for justice. How dare she.

She DOES have personal experience that makes her perhaps not more qualified, but certainly more motivated than others to do the work she does. I haven't seen the show, but some of those criminal-catching types of programs have done good in bringing attention to unsolved crimes.

Yeah, by the headline's logic, Martha's using $150k worth of Mercedes AMG (or whatever it is) a day... just driving around.

If they'd just get rid of Ramona I'd consider watching this again. But until they do, I'd rather listen to nails scratch down a chalkboard than this woman's inability to admit doing anything wrong ever (especially that whole insulting LuAnn's parenting thing - keep it classy). Plus her voice is annoying as hell.

"I don't like being watched," says the woman who posts pictures of her ass on Instagram.