Um, he seems smarter to me than some of the past bachelors. At least he’s not a jerk?
Um, he seems smarter to me than some of the past bachelors. At least he’s not a jerk?
Kylie sounds 12.
Well maybe I don’t want to see Wendy’s ridiculous cartoon tit implants clothed or unclothed, so maybe she should get off the TV so I don’t accidentally catch an eyeful when flipping through the channels.
And what evidence did they have on Dassey? Because his “confession” was a total joke. It seemed exactly like he was “guessing” at what they WANTED him to say, as he explains at some point in the film.
I’ve never understood this. I’ve had many people try to sell me braids while on beach vacations and the pitch is always a mixture of how easy and cute they will be, and my response has always been (said to myself) “hell no, do you see how fucking pale I am? How much sunscreen I would need to cover my entire fucking…
Ray Liotta is the reason I will watch another random cop show.
But “dry, sarcastic and drunk much of the time” sounds like she could be fun!
Well it happened in 2009 and became a cold case, until recently it was working as a foolproof plan, ludicrous as that sounds.
She sold it off though for a bazillion dollas (slight exaggeration) so there is no need to shill or product place for the new owners. I think this was at least five years ago, probably longer. She never needs to work again.
The reason: Steve Harvey fucked up.
Yeah, everything happens for a reason. In this case, the reason is because Steve Harvey fucked up while reading the cards. No karmic reason, no because better things are coming reason, no to make you a stronger person reason, just because Steve Harvey can’t read correctly. That’s your reason.
That photo up there makes it look more like she should be hosting a show called Lip Deformity Nightmares. Kim and Kylie can guest star. Jeezus christ that looks wrong, painful, and unattractive.
I love that you doubled down! He’s just a pea-brained idiot supporting a big buffoon.
Yes, AND jesus christ on a cracker, there’s no such thing as a “base tan” that helps keep people from burning upon subsequent sun exposure. I can’t believe how many smart, educated people still think this is true. It’s a lie made up by the tanning salons. Ask any dermatologist.
I think that’s the worst photo of La Lohan I have ever seen. Every thing on her face looks swollen and painful.
Of the “aughts?” Have i lost my damn mind? I swear I can remember Anne Geddes baby calendars from the early 90s.
It’s a slippery slope if someone is black out drunk but not unconscious and actively doing things to the extent that another person can’t tell they are that drunk or is equally drunk themselves. On the first night of a Vegas trip, all I can remember is dancing and putting down a few of the free vodka drinks for ladies…
Yup. if you were trying “ for so long, I just really wanted to be taken seriously as a musician for my intelligence more than my body ever in this business...” then don’t do that kinda bullshit with R Kelly and Terry Richardson, two men famous for sexually assaulting and exploiting women. Not buying it.
Seriously her new (deformed looking) lip and nose job were so completely unnecessary. She was naturally lovely.
This kind of thinking totally discounts childless, mature adults completely capable of not thinking of themselves first and of unconditional love.