
I'm glad your baby is okay. Chocolate is really toxic for dogs, easily could've killed him. Chocolate, onions, and chewing gum... keep em far far away from the dogs (and cats).

Well Rihanna looks good with or without makeup, with or without photoshop and with or without clothes. Nothing new here.

Yes, she does. It's called Revelation by Robin McGraw. Now I'm going to go shoot myself for knowing this.

Bond flicks have never interested me. This would change everything. PRETTY PLEASE!

Her face doesn't move at all right? Her lips just open wider when she smiles but nothing else changes... it's so wierd to me when people who have gone overboard and over the top with plastic surgery try to sell us on their cosmetic lines. It's not cosmetics that has put the frozen mask across your face, how

Looking alike does not lead to the conclusion that the husband wanted to be with the sister because her personality was better! Nice little victim blaming there. It leads only to the conclusion that the husband is a fucking cheater and lousy husband and father and the sister is the worst sister ever!

Seriously! Plus it's not all walks on the beach! It's also panic riddled dashes to the emergency vet hospital, staying home from work to keep a vigilant eye on your fur baby in the first days they are home recovering from emergency survey. It's cleaning up shit and piss and vomit, and getting up for the tenth time to

Dave Navarro was only cool when we didn't know anything about him. Soon as he got on TV the jig was up.

Well you learn something new every day. OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH FUCKING OUCH.

I remember reading that actress Thora Birch's parents were porn stars. I wonder if she's ever spoken out on the subject.

The only version of Baby It's Cold Outside that matters is Louie and Ella.

I'm way confused.

I think the two women in this story have all the beauty. The two guys, meh, nothing special, average looking dudes.

Hmmm... not any that I know. They keep it to themselves. Wouldn't even know that they are vegans unless you are carefully watching what they order to eat.

Sounds like Chicago residents feel about Chi-town the same way that San Franciscans feels about Frisco.

Can't control their "biology" sounds an awful lot like boys will be boys. Oh shucks, they can't help it. It IS very insulting to men.

The last Bachelorette is the only one I've watched but if memory serves some of those guys were younger than Andi, maybe up to 7 years younger, most were within 2-3 years of her. Maybe a couple were a little bit older? I think she was about 30, so you know, almost a spinster. I bet she was one of the oldest from her

I agree with you. I have seen up close people married for three and four decades who absolutely drip venom towards each other. Not only is there no love, there is no like at all. But they are still married so ACCOMPLISHMENT. No, not really.

I think that's the most likely scenario and this little brouhaha over it is kind of ridiculous. It's not like he was defending the murderer or blaming the victims. Sometimes people are not well spoken.

So Kendall Jenner is not tall? I thought all models, other than Kate Moss, were tall.