
My mom worked for the school district processing free lunch applications and came across a family with three children named Corvette, Mercedes, and Porsche. Yes I know that two of those are actual names (though spelling is different for Porsche) but all in the same family? Clearly they named their kids after cars.

I feel like every other woman I know has named their daughter Lucy.

Well I am way too fucking cute to have to work for a living and yet...

I think she looks as cute as cute can possibly be.

I think she has a nice body too except for those rock hard non-boob looking implants. I mean that's just not what boobs look like and they look like they'd feel like cement and I... just don't get it. Mainly I don't find her entertaining, I find her sad because clearly she has internalized the message that her entire

I agree and that seems to be what she is doing. Her apology sounds sincere and I am willing to bet she will never do blackface again so I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt. And maybe some other people who are similarly clueless will see this Julianne thing and get a little lesson too before making the

Quitting was incredibly hard and required me to endure six months of misery, complete with night sweats and dreams of smoking EVERY single night for six months, crying fits, grief (it felt like I was turning my back on a lover I was still hot for), lived like a hermit because I could not be around any social drinking

Where did I get the notion? Oh, doctor, dermatologist, numerous magazine articles. I certainly didn't expect my existing wrinkles to go away or anything ridiculous like that but I did expect an overall improvement in the appearance of my complexion and I expected it because I read over and over again in numerous

Anything that helps someone quick or deters then from starting is a good thing. I am an ex-smoker. I quit cold turkey 7 years ago after smoking for 20 years (I started as a young teen) and I was disappointed that my skin did NOT look any better, my acne did not clear up at all. I didn't even know that smoking makes

Now we just need a special law requiring that ALL models be chaperoned when being shot by Terry Richardson.

Yes exactly! He damn sure has to make every one knows he's NOT ONE before he preaches acceptance.

Well I got the genetics where I can literally (this has been tested) work out twice as often as my friends and lift more weight and only gain the slightest hint of muscle while my friends bulk up. And it discourages me, I want to be strong and I work for it, where are my muscles?! Anyway, I for one, am in awe of

I have no issues with the song's message just with the crap writing. It's interesting that he starts with relating an experience he had at age 13 because it sounds like it was written by a 13 year old. I have to turn that shit off.

And yet... accurate. It certainly isn't a love child. That said hope both parents take good care of this little one.

I generally don't give a shit about weddings and especially not the weddings of strangers (re: celebrities) but I agree, she looks great, great style, and is just beaming. She does come across as a really nice person so good for her. She looks so happy.

Why shouldn't she? As a former San Franciscan I know that's not what locals call it but it just shows that she's not from there, but so what? Most people aren't. It seems snotty to expect every non local person to call SF only by the unofficial locally approved ways to refer to San Francisco. Actually it's snotty all

His people should not allow him to write lyrics.

Also, no we are not all surrounded by people all the time. I work from home and I live alone. I frequently go days without having any in person interactions with others. I am not a big anomaly, there are lots of me around.

But what I said in my post is that being surrounded by strangers or people you don't feel connected to doesn't count. Loneliness is not about the physical absence of people but the absence of feeling enough or strong enough connections and ties to others. I am not an expert but I have done a lot of reading about the

Fact remains that she would not have been raped if this exact rapist had not decided to rape her on that exact night. The rest is irrelevant. She is not responsible for his actions. He is the only one responsible for his actions.