
Don’t curse, look at the officer’s facebook. I don’t know why we haven’t been doing this all along.

Here’s a facebook profile of one of the fallen officers from Dallas. Those that spend time on twitter chatting with racists will recognize the symbolisms. And as with the Dallas shooter, pay attention to the pages liked by the police officer:…

If you challenge them, they start rambling about democrats enslaving blacks and blacks don’t know what’s good for them. Jeez.

This is a very well thought out scenario.

Thank you so much for this! I thought I was going nuts!

I gave it a go. Spent the whole time wondering why Bill Simmons looks and dresses exactly like Ellen DeGeneres. Why isn’t anyone speaking up about this issue!

These videos remind me of the lynching post cards of yore. I wonder if hateful whites forward these videos and laugh, as they used to with the post cards. Lynching used to be a part of the natural order of things in the U.S. but is now considered impolite. I wonder if the lack of convictions for murderous cops serve

I never did before, but I hate Debra Messing now. Why couldn’t she visit poor whites in Tennesee? They have sex workers there too. They probably have their own condom dance as well!

This is just like the “raping the babies” rumor from the Superdome after Katrina. Why are racists obsessed with baby raping?

Isn’t this how white supremacists refer to themselves?

Then the question becomes, why isn’t that type of education available in predominately black schools? Answer: Collectively, white people don’t want black children to have the tools to compete against white children and win.

The very same thing happened to Michael Jackson. Maybe we expect too much from our pop stars. If it hurts them to do splits and moonwalk at the age of 45, we should let them be.

Leslie may be loud but I don’t see where she’s annoying and almost all her characters on SNL are overtly sexual. Hattie McDonald famously said, “I’d rather play a maid than be one.” I’m sure the character actors that play bus drivers and MTA employees share that sentiment. As for the Lupitas of Hollywood, perhaps they

Why doesn’t Peter Thiel bankroll a movement to extend statute of limitations for child sex victims?

People that look like Leslie and perhaps yourself as well are rarely televised or featured in film. Mammy drag, as you put it, is actually how some people actually emote and those people deserve to have their stories told and their faces shown and loved just like everyone else.

By any chance, do you resemble Leslie?

It’s as if he has...skeletons in his closet, but has also done nice things for people.

These thoughts were crazy in 1850. Why blame the ills of the world on the genitals of little girls?

Wait a minute. I read this book. I think I picked it up in an Amish market in Philly.

What does this mean? No one is talking about you.