“it made me want to go around and apologize to every black person I see.”
Love this video with super-pregnant Faith!
Oh, thank you, Über! I was a little afraid it might be insensitive to write in the face of this sadness but I do find the 1755 earthquake and that which it wrought/inspired of great interest, as well! I appreciate your kind words.
That... was a fascinating diversion. Thank you.
I don’t know about some people but I suffer from starving amugst plenty. There’s too much and I can’t decide so instead I just watch Forensic Files and Law & Order Reruns. I can put it on in the background and not have to think or really pay attention. Then I can pick like one show to dedicate myself to. And I picked…
Social media is the greatest torture we’ve ever inflicted upon ourselves.
I 100% will and do discriminate against all trump supporters whenever I can. I won’t hire one, I won’t let any come to my Sunday NFL parties, I’ve cut off a half dozen friends and several family members. Fuck trump supporters. You made your fucking racist bed, enjoy it, motherfucker.
Thank you. Abagond is easily my favourite blog on the web. Dude is a savant. Please share.
Wow that is a great link. I will be sharing that in my online circles. Thanks.
I posted this comment in the previous article but it works here too.
I blame the government. Who expects old white people in Florida to comprehend intersectionality?
... And you just know Mom’s all “dammit, you kids stay outta my stash!!” ^^
“Scruples” was the SHIT.
“My sexuality is Abby”
I always see this whenever her face comes up. She could (somehow) win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and I would still only see this.