
I dunno. The idea has promise, but I’m not sure it would really... deliver.

NASA’s info about the EDL-cameras “Entry Descent Landning”

Subaru Baja.

I have no idea what these are worth, but for $60k they could have at least vacuumed it out.

I’m still mad about the Nissan IDX

“Oh Cock” and “No Cock”, obviously.

JFC such negativity in some of these comments...

Seeing the Z and the Supra side by side really makes it obvious that the Supra is a bit of an overwrought mess. The Z is refreshingly simple and straightforward. I don’t care if it is a heavily reworked 370z. I like it. 

Many people like their cars to reflect themselves.

While I do enjoy the mechanical details of DT’s wrenching articles, there are always human interest elements that are equally entertaining. You didn’t get a warm spot reading about Loyal sucking in gas fumes for some random stranger?

Then.... don’t click the story.

Are you new here or something?   This is like bread and butter to most of us.

He needs to fly under 10 more bridges if he wants to beat today’s GTA challenge. 

I have to vote ND on the new Google Form. Forcing us to click a link to see the results, bah.

Are you aware that any race can be addicted to crack? 

The van driver should have pulled over on his own Accord. Now he’ll going to get a Civic lesson on hit and runs. Hopefully the punishment Fits the crime and he goes on an Odyssey to his local penitentiary.

So - when are we starting a scooter gang called the Turtle Kings?


BMW=Beaver Mouth on Wheels?