
So Miyamoto says “You should return home soon, for your health.”, then fucks off home while knowing you still have hours of work to finish. And we’re supposed to go “oh, bless him, how inspirational” because of Super Mario???

In my experince, they are positive for good games and negative for bad games.

No wonder he lost control. The racing stripe is way off-center.

Displeased to see the glee in the comments regarding prison rape. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t shed tears over this douchebag, but the fact that prisoners are raped in our system should be a matter of outrage, not acceptance or celebration.

Or you can get a gently used Mazda6 for $17K, have a car that weighs 10% less, burns about 20% less gas, and has plenty of performance to be a mildly fun family/commuter car.

For those trying to push blame to things other than phones, if I glance at my dash for something to adjust it’s completely different than communicating with someone via a device in your hand that you are staring at far too long, or trying to get your smart phone to load something you want to use.

Somebody at Ferrari will still manage to mess up the race strategy.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and just say I’m confident a 30 times Pulitzer prize winning publication is not losing sleep over kids with webcams.

Now playing

I recently discovered it and it is wonderful and a breath of fresh air from the usual car shows. Really, Mr. Torchinsky nails it. Mr China will sit down on the show and go over step by step what is needed to fix a particular piece of a car. This clip is a great example of his work: how to replace the drive motor on an

The long carbon bar is for the gears and the finger holy things are for the clutch. The left button is to change your view (First person, rear, etc) and the other is for the rewind time function.

Isn’t the guy in the car that filmed all this at fault, too? He left his lane and went onto the shoulder. Shoulders aren’t there for people to move onto to be nice to people on motorcycles. This created a space that the lane changer wouldn’t have expected to appear, through which the motorcyclist passed through at

Long-time biker here. Whose fault was it legally? The car’s, for not yielding right of way (assuming lane splitting is legal where this occurred). But geez, that biker was going ridiculously fast lane splitting in heavy traffic. It was an inevitability that this would happen sooner or later.

Having lived in California, I have seen both good and bad examples of lane splitting. This was an extremely bad one, and the motorcyclist was substantially at fault here.

Did those rose colored glasses come standard with your Challenger?

Your “a gap is a gap” rule is a bit misleading. If I’m leaving a car-length gap, it’s for safety. You cutting in and making the gap 3 inches forces everyone to slow down.

...antiquated and boring...

That’s ridiculously false. Miata, Lancer, WRX, NSX, etc. There’s a ton of Japanese cars being worshipped here.

I’m not a Ferrari fan, but I think it’s worth noting that innovation isn’t the singular metric by which we judge car companies. Ferrari makes gorgeous, howling, performance vehicles. Understandably, that’s enough for a lot of people.

Given the whole motif of the car is “largely non functional vents” I don’t think they should break that up by making the hood scoop do something.

The real test for the Cruze will be longevity. The thing about a Corolla or a Civic is, odds are I can buy one and still be driving it 10 years later only putting normal maintenance into it. After 15 years, it might start having issues here and there. Chevy has to build that reputation after decades of.... well....