

I've found Google Now to be a bit lacking in the location-information department, and this looks to be everything I was hoping for. I just hope I live in a place "interesting" enough to the databases for the app to be really useful.


All of the above *are* the reasons a fair percentage of people purchase iPhones, but I'm asleep.

While the reasons above are solid, don't forget that Apple answers to Wall St, and the expectation is continued, massive profits. Those insane profit margins dictate last-gen tech; the additional unit cost for bleeding edge technology (even $5/phone) is a huge hit to earnings.

No. But they're getting closer to what I would use, which would be exactly this, but available on opening night. $15 (or even $25) would be well spent if it meant I could watch first-run movies from the comfort of my home.

I got the same with my TMO GS3.

The S3 is *already* better than the iPhone "5", and the latter hasn't even come out yet.

I've been on TMO for going on my third year. I tend to have coverage consistently (NE OH), but run into bizarre almost-dead/barely EDGE spots. Inside my parent's house and under a ledge at work, where I have a full signal outside/out from under the ledge.

I'm disappointed. I use uTorrent, mostly due to the truly excellent Android remote app. I'd be happy to buy a paid version; I'd probably even buy a paid desktop and mobile version. But if they start serving unavoidable ads, I'll be off to ad-free inferior products.

I think they come off as *really* patronizing... as if Apple is saying "let us show you how to computer." I don't know if it's expectations due to Apple's earlier stuff, or I'm just more cognizant of them because it's a product I'm interested in, but I actively abhor the ads.

This is precisely the way this story should be covered. (I am 100% sincere).

Agree. My (brief) experience with ICS on a 4" screen felt like trying to manage a stacked stamp collection.

I was incredibly hesitant to move to a 4.8" screen (SGSIII), especially after being quite happy with the 4" my SGS4G afforded, but after an hour of owning the SIII, I wouldn't consider moving to the smaller size.

I like the 1Weather widget best for Android, but I'd buy Solar immediately if it were available.

I see Spotify premium as paying for service access: it's the difference between buying a movie on iTunes (which I never would) and watching a movie on Netflix Instant (which I also subscribe to.) I'm paying for the access and convenience, not the media itself.

"Hipsters" are just geeks/nerds with fashion sense and a sex life, so I'll take blame for that.

I refuse to pay for a digital copy of music. Period.

Being fair, most anyone with the "chops" to know what they're doing *to* install this know what they're doing *by* installing it.

Even if we give BB the benefit of the doubt, and assume that BBOS10 is the greatest mobile OS of all time, it's still not enough. They're still selling underpowered hardware no one is clamoring for, and their version of the App Store is still comparatively desolate.