
These last two episodes made me realize I don’t really give a shit about the mythology. The reason season 1 and parts of season 2 and FWWM worked so well was the emotional resonance and because you cared about the characters.

Season 3 has a bit of that, but mostly it focuses on the mythology way too much. It being a

Kinja has really done a number on this place. Comments sections looks the lesser of the evil now compared to the shit site design. Previously used to scroll and easily get the reviews. I would pick up the A and D/F review to read through. I will never do that now i feel

Her best selling album sold 10 million fewer copies than Hootie and The Blowfish, so I expect articles on The Blowfish any day now, Sam.

FatalFurry73 recently did a video called “Hellboy 3 And Y I Excited Bout It” and gained 5 new subscribers on Youtube. Let’s see Swift match that.

When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV “Eat that, Internet! It’s not a coma!”

This is amazing. Given that TayTay exerts maniacal control over her image and brand, how in the hell did she convince herself that this was a good idea? Good god. She should stick to what she does best: dating B-list actors who need to boost their profiles so that they can land an acting gig in the next Ron Howard

I’m old so the twitter confuses me, but I clearly need to start paying attention to black twitter. Those burns are quality.