
Did you ever stand by and watch someone play an arcade game, or a friend play a console game when it gets to the cool parts? Youtubers tap into that. It’s harmless, and mostly a way for the viewer to relax. I watch plenty myself after work just to unwind.

So explain the name Hypnospace then? It’s not a commonly used word, it is a creation for a singular game. If this were a reversed situation, Epic would likely send cease and desist notices. Large companies do steal from smaller creations and do so so as to not have to pay them. Look at Disney’s history of theft. That,

Truly worth throwing away one’s future health for.

You’re assuming they’re all being paid well and have high management levels of agency. They don’t, and what do you consider good compensation for grueling 50-80 hour a week workloads? People burn out, they suffer fatigue and depression, all the while having to deal with demanding bosses, toxic work spaces, and the

So Lady Jessica looks about the age of Paul. OK.

I think it will go well beyond that. Capitalism is not a defense but an enabler of foreign interests. Rupert Murdoch owns Fox, republicans have ties to Russian money, and corporations want more of that huge Chinese pie.

You had me until the end. To compare the totality of the Holocaust and then say one is worse than the other shows a complete disregard for the victims of the Holocaust, a blaring ignorance for the scale of the atrocities, and a child’s understanding of history. 

To get this twisted up over a dog removed from a show that you yourself confess to not even watch is strange. It’s a fictitious death, make believe, and nothing more.

That movie has multiple issues. A queasy disregard for black people in that it’s clear the black woman in his apartment building and the black woman psychiatrist at the end are killed off screen, whereas white people are seen killed. This leads to white lives having more value than black lives. The dreadful Xerox of

Funny that you mention Gotham, though not a perfect show, often mined a lot of fun from the other villains, especially when the writers went for ghoulish humor. I really liked the show’s take on The Penguin, Professor Pyg, and even the Joker not Joker Jerome, who was fun because it allowed them enough wiggle room to

That was my older sister, but to be fair, we all try and emulate what we think is adult while still in training.

2's more streamlined than the original’s combat and doesn’t bother with grid placement. If you can handle turn-based combat, you’ll be fine.

It helps to place a game like that into the context of when it was made. It was nothing like other jrpgs at the time, especially its tone and more adult take on storytelling. It’s the characters, story, and art design that remain the most compelling parts about the original. I wasn’t in love with the combat system,

You could have taken the time to link to an article instead of a juvenile youtuber’s bloviating.

She’s wearing gloves due to having electric stove top rings burned into her palms. She’s not a good cook, is what I’m saying.

Won’t anyone think about the Crypto!

I get that this is a humor piece, which is a pretty funny read, and reminds me of goofy pieces from old pop culture magazines.

It’s a rich person thing. Wealth for the sake of wealth.

I found the rape scene gratuitous in a way that sickened me. It felt more in service of titillation than anything else. Having the male character nearly get raped, but not, also bothered me. It’s more stylistic trash from Fincher.

On Lovecraft himself, I feel like a fresh biography about him and his life is needed. People tend to mainly focus on his writing or his racism, and yet from what I’ve read, he was far from a happy and mentally healthy person. His mother loved him as child, yet after his father died in an asylum from syphilis, his