Jane Eyrerys Targaryen


Ohhh! Something similar happened right in front of me in high school. The “your mom” thing was popular there too and we all said it all the time. My friend patrick’s mother had died over the summer and one of the first days back at school my friend Joe (ugh he was such a sweet giant guy) said “your mom” in a knee jerk

FIFTY freaking dollars....where do they get off?...!

And that shirt is 49 dollars!

I was really upset right up until I got to “old couch” HA! I actually Lol’d

Thank you so much for sharing this. You described exactly my symptoms. I literally went out this morning and bought the Peppermint and Ginger tablets you mentioned. I started taking them today and honestly already feel better.

Im thinking “Shame”. But I’m not sure.

As a fellow adopted human I cosign completely. Whenever I mention my intention to adopt the “but wouldn’t you want your *own* children?” question makes me apoplectic.


I went to college in Durham NC, at North Carolina Central University. For one of my art classes we had a Duke professor come in to discuss and artist. He was white and it was right after the Duke Lacrosse scandal erupted. Before his lecture he told us he was going to leave some time at the end because he knew we'd

Simple and to the point. I like it. lol

my skin. it is crawling.

AMAZING. Why is this the first time Ive ever seen this .gif??

This will have to do for now :)

I hate to do this to you but, Ahem: PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

I like it. My father's name is Emerson and I've always liked it for a little girl. We can call her Emmy :)

WHAT? Did you ROAST his girlfriend? I would have served *her* for dinner!!!