Jane Eyrerys Targaryen

GTFO. Just...get out. What the fuck. WHY WHYYYYY. People are so fucking touchy about the word "rape". If you steal, you're a theif. If you lie, you're a liar. But DAMN IT if people won't hem and haw about about out right calling someone a rapist when they have sex without consent or with someone legally unable to

"Could they be the miners?"

Hello, brown lady here: What?! I almost posted the same thing when I saw that picture. White women can't express exclamations on how magnificent a black woman looks? You pointed out that it was a white woman saying it. Would you have felt better of it was a white man? That's SILLY. (Is it cause it made you feel a

Not to be funny but it is a real shame. Instead of this life of crime he really could have been a model.

The first thing I did after reading that was look to see how many times I have been retweeted. It's absolutely mind-boggling.

...that movie.

What is this comment? How is what she said anti-capitalistic? I have personally lamented being a brown girl trying to find foundation dark enough. Even some major retailers / brands don't sell suitable colors.

Says a human who had never had to literally hunt for foundation darker than "tan"

I hate myself for "starring" this, but's true.


This isn't very nice. Or necessary. The word "articulate" when used in this context is condescending. And as she said, "It's born of the soft bigotry of low expectations."

A few months back there was an article about Kelly Clarkson's woes with Clive Davis and his lable. There was no love lost between then at the time. He referred to her as "independent" which was worrisome because, as commenters pointed out, he would never have used that word about, say...Justin Timberlake.

At least.

Down with the fucking patriarchy. This comment...I can't.

This is perfect.

Disney/Pixar's branding is on point.

This is so funny to me. "This word looks weird." "Just put a U in it somewhere."

That was my first thought. Tumblr has a thriving corset community.

As a fellow busty girl with a friends wedding coming up, may I ask where you got your strapless bra?
