Blue Mina

I keep seeing “might as well kill your rapist if an abortion is gonna put you in jail,” which is true, but “might as well kill a Supreme Court justice appointed by a president who lost the popular vote if an abortion is gonna put you in jail” applies as well.

I agree. Such a needlessly bitchy review.

We should probably just burn all the museums. I mean, we have Instagram, duh! What the fuck do we need artists for?!?

I must echo everyone else saying Priest. He is the Black Panther writer and it’s not even a debate.

yes it definitely has some great scenes, i especially liked Mjolnir constantly redirecting itself as Thor & Kurse teleport around. And i think thor hung mjolnir on a coat rack at one point.

It has a lot of really great moments. They’re just in service to a kind of mediocre main plot, which is all anyone remembers.

Frigga’s funeral is hauntingly gorgeous, and the effect is has on the rest of the family is played extremely well, and it was great for the strength of that scene and Rene Russo’s performance

I thought Thor 2 was fine and Thor Ragnorok horribly overrated (I used to read a lot of and still have a book of Norse mythology and it can’t hold a candle to the stories from back then. Ancient myths and legends were truly wild back then!).

Me too! I think the film gets a lot of undeserved hate.

I like THOR: THE DARK WORLD. The scene on the boat with Thor & Loki where they finally hash it out is one of my favorite MCU scenes ever. The heartache when Thor says “I wish I could trust you” is Hemsworth’s first great moment in the role.

Priest’s is ‘my’ Black Panther run. I love it.

People always forget about Priest. Very important figure in comics in the Wizard era and beyond.

Christopher Priest started his run in 1998.

On the second episode now (where this is first talked about/addressed), just paused it to go do some shopping and came back to see this article, and so far the introduction’s been really cool!

This will never happen, but it would be tremendous if Bruce Campbell showed up in a Batman-adjacent DC film as Condiment King.

How much would you pay to see Bruce Campbell following Cumberbatch around saying...

Absoluately not! I would 100% root for Power Man and Pizza Poppa pulverizing the pernicious plutocrats! 

Doom, like most narcissistic leaders, doesn’t pay his bills.

To be clear, people ALSO loathe surprise fees.

It very much is.

You’re 100% right that restaurants COULD have just jacked the prices, and it would have been the same thing for the end bill.