
Definitely there’s a bubble. And Bernie has somewhat of a cult of followers who are very vocal, and I think that definitely has led to the impression that they are a majority and that only conspiring by the DNC and the media could stop him getting the nomination.

He also won the black vote pretty resoundingly, but sure, blame women.

They didn’t rig shit for Clinton. Bernie didn’t get the votes. He’s not getting the votes now. People loudly claim to love him but they don’t vote for him.  This is a problem.

This is the argument of an incredibly privileged person who has never studied international politics and has no idea what actual election rigging looks like, never mind having to live with the consequences. 

What is incomprehensible is the total inability for Jezebel to understand that there are many voters, in many parts of the country, that find a platform like Klobuchar’s quite appealing.

As Super Tuesday indicated, it is those voters who are going to decide the Democratic primary. Though they may have been quiet, perhaps they were there all along.

Are you 12 years old? I’m serious 

Do you really find Klobuchar’s appeal inexplicable?

Adding context from the Times story, 30 people showed up at 5am, sat on the sidewalk and started protesting. Then three people went up to the door and rang. I’m sorry but if my wife was controversially bad at her job and some folks came up ringing my doorbell at 5am, I may react the same way.

If he’s saying “get off my porch” that leads me to believe they were on his porch which is not where people protesting at one’s house should be.

Bernie having another heart attack is about the only thing that could get her the nomination.

Warren and Biden had run ads that also used snippets of Obama’s speeches praising them, but it pisses me off when it’s Bloomberg because

Every candidate has flaws, but it seems as though those flaws are much more likely to be completely disqualifying for a woman than for a man.

If the goal is to shut down black support for Biden, pulling Obama off the sidelines is a spectacularly stupid way to go about it.

If there’s anything consistent with my 20 years of voting experience, it’s that women get roasted by the moderates and conservatives for pushing progressive agendas. Then when they make a grab at real power, the left moves the goal posts on what’s considered “progressive” bonafides. The women consistently fail these

If intelligence, skills, fairness, really mattered in today’s politics Elizabeth Warren would be the front runner by miles. If community self interest was the deciding principle on how Black people voted, Warren would be ahead by miles. Sadly she and Sanders are basically in the same lane and Bernie is winning. And of

Yeah, you wanna see sexism in action, watch the BernieBots get all foamy at the mouth about Warren. There’s so very little daylight between them that it’s not funny, but boy they get all screamy and shit when you point out how much Liz has had to do to get the same amount of media coverage.

I think I know how this goes. Something like:

Holy shit do Warren posts bring out the most toxic shit for brain burners.

I entirely agree with this article. Anyone who can not see the sexism baked into Warren’s struggles is blind. This is not to say she didn’t mess up or stumble, because she did, like every other candidate has at some point. And I am not saying her losing the primary (likely at this point) is entirely down to sexism,