
I don’t care for Cory at all, but Paul’s also failing to recognize that Cory’s very aware of being seen as the “angry Black man” (and it’s not just the right wing media that plays into that racist trope), which would hurt him if he runs in 2020. That’s the reason you rarely see Black candidates on the national stage ye

Okay...sure....Bernie isn’t racist or sexist...s/

Please explain then how Hillary won over 35 Black voters in large margins over Bernie? How Our Revolution candidates often do terribly with Black voters (Teachout vs. James, etc.)? And so on. Black media outlets caught on to his fuckery, and he’s gonna have a much harder time this turn around with the media coverage.

Kamala would fucking crush him in a debate. 

Please tell me how Bernie has accomplished more significant things than Warren and Brown in the senate. And Warren hasn’t even been a senator for that long...

I mean, the Harvard orientation is completely voluntary for new congress members. It isn’t an official thing that’s put on. But yeah, I agree that it is fucked up regardless that lobbyist are involved and it’s good that she pointed that out.

Brown, Klobuchar, Harris, and yes, even Beto, are the strongest candidates imo.

And polls also showed Sharice Davids losing to Yoder, while her Our Revolution candidate supposedly would have trounced him—except IRL Sharice trounced Yoder.

Yup....Still mad about that, because as the Root correctly argued Obama doesn’t owe us shit—the original Splinter article ignored the Obama foundation and that Obama has been doing shit (even though he doesn’t owe us jack).

Uh. Sherrod Brown and Beto, and that’s right off the top of my head.


She has a really good shot at winning the Oscar.

There was a joke a while back by some comedian that went roughly like “Dick Cheney is pissed that his record of being the most evil dude in recent history is being threatened by a man who can barely spell.”

Some people find a reason to go after the Obamas for anything. If they hadn’t shaken his hand (with a thinly veiled look of disgust), the racist, misogynistic press would have gone mad.

I believe he must have damning information on Pence—there are some connections there between Pence’s people and Flynn. I’d love for it to be the Orange Menace, but I’m not getting my hopes up. It’d also explain why he’s skating with no jail time.

I believe he must have damning information on Pence—there are some connections there between Pence’s people and Flynn. I’d love for it to be the Orange Menace, but I’m not getting my hopes up. It’d also explain why he’s skating with no jail time.

He’s a good actor and I don’t get the drama with his name BUT I find him tiring.

While I strongly disagree with the first Gulf War, thousands of civilians were not slaughtered on the Highway of Death in Kuwait and the elite Kuwaitis didn’t entirely fuck off out of the country. Far too many, most definitely, but of the approx. 1500 vehicles many were abandoned on the highway at one point when folks

The man did some seriously fucked up things, but I’m almost positive he was one of the few Republicans who very early on recognized the importance of Nelson Mandela while the rest of the GOPKKK thought he was a “commie.” He also quit the NRA in a huff, for the wrong reasons, but at least he did so, and was against

I get it. Corporate money is a huge problem and I feel like it should be out of politics, but I also believe like there is a weird gray zone at times about PACs in general (even corporate PACs)—especially when we are fighting against Koch funded GOP KKK. TBH I’m also a bit salty at Sirota constantly attacking Planned