
Okay, but there is a difference from the kids knowing and all their friends knowing because it is plastered in the media. I just think publicly making this type of shit known, beyond your close family/close friends, is usually gross and tacky. I saw this type of shit go down (not my parents) and the kids were

Sometimes I call myself a pragmatic progressive because I feel like some on the left, and I’m fairly far left myself, are getting tea party like when it comes to certain things.

People knew about the alleged domestic abuse allegations against Ellison LONG before they came out (check Dave Weigel’s twitter). This was a very, very old secret. But continue to believe that Tom Perez was meant to quell the leftward movement, and not thrown in there as a last minute hail mary in an attempt to save

Hakeem is flawed, no doubt, but didn’t he do a lot for criminal justice reform at the state level even before he became a congressman? He’s also extremely far left on gun control, I believe. He’s also a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and while he’s a mixed bag before he got picked over Barbara Lee a

Barbara Lee gets approx. 80% percent of her money from PACs. Not all PACs are bad (for example, Planned Parenthood is good), this is an unfortunate short-sighted new ‘thing’ in the left to demonize all PACs. Steyer poured in some much needed money for Gillum’s race in FL, for example. I agree corporate money is a

Man is ranked only six slots behind Barbara Lee on Progressive Punch. He’s definitely got some problematic views (primarily charter schools and Israel), but he’s not quite the complete centrist/McCain level war hawk folks are making him out to be. He’s waffled on supporting M4All, but I definitely think he can be

In the newest bit of (not shocking) information, she was photographed wearing a Confederate hat with a member of a hate group.  The media keeps focusing on the hat (which is bad enough) without bringing up the hate group angle though, which is pissing me off.

The Obama Foundation has already done a shit ton of work, including giving out large grants and funding fellowships, including holding a meeting for said fellows, in South Africa. It got a lot of coverage in the international media; very little in the American media.

Pramila Jayapal is as progressive as AOC, but also isn’t protesting outside of Pelosi’s office at a pivotal moment for the Dems and then claiming credit for something Pelosi already planned to reinstate more than a week before said protest.

I swear nearly all of those white supremacists are also meth heads. 

I’m so jealous of y’all. My friend went and said it was magical (she was also smart as fuck and bought tickets the second they became available).

You had to get the tickets the minute they became available, because the regular affordable tickets, which were the majority, sold immediately and many are being scalped :(.

I’m a young (and look even younger than my actual age) Black/Arab woman who teaches in a field dominated by mostly white and Asian men.

I mentioned this is another post, but I feel like people don’t realize how expensive it is to be president and to live post-presidency. Even fucking Regan, who was a multi-millionaire, apparently bitched about how much money he had to spend while being president. Supposedly the president has to shell out for the fancy

Yep. Firstly, every politician/president, etc. does this and it’s completely legit. And occasionally I find some aspects of presidents making coins distasteful, but I understand why. The Clintons left the White House nearly in debt, despite all the hollering about how they once leased a bedroom or whatever. The

Yeah, most POC know it wasn’t some cozy, rosy paradise under Obama. But we also know that during the Obama administration we didn’t have to worry about Jeff Fucking Sessions making civil rights even worse and empowering police even more, I personally didn’t have to worry about my father being harassed and not allowed

True, Nick is Native American and anyone who reads his posts knows it (he’s one of the few writers on here I enjoy tbh and I appreciate his work). But there’s a valid criticism that Splinter is white as fuck, with a few exceptions. and many of the writers can be clumsy at best when it comes to race.

My problem is the people who talk about a ‘cult of personality’ often worship Bernie Sanders. The same Bernie who voted against closing Gitmo (despite posturing like he was for it), voted against the Brady Bill five times, voted for Clinton’s ‘94 crime bill, and I can go on and on.

I agree that they’ll turn anyone into a punching bag, but we need Florida and if we push for a Speaker who is on the record being too kind about Castro...well, we’ve already done half of the work for the GOP.

I have some issues with Pelosi, but the criticism of her is often so over the top and absurd. Also, some in the media completely play into it—Pelosi was already planning last week to push a strong environmental plan, but some in the media (cough cough Chris Hayes) and such are acting like AOC is the one who forced