
Tulsi, as in Assad apologist Tulsi who also used to pal around with virulently Islamophobic figures and still hasn’t completely walk backed her past history of homophobia? Nope.

I love Barbara, but her comments on Castro are going to cause serious issues in FL. Pelosi shows up in every goddamn attack ad by Republicans, and I can imagine it 10x worse with Barbara’s comments on Castro being played on a loop in Florida.

Ugh, Stoller is a racist little trust fund cretin who often misinterprets economic studies. Perhaps it’s academic snobbery, but one should have some sort of background in economics (or at the very least, public policy) before being cited as an expert.  Stoller has a B.A. in History in Harvard and an extremely

She can get my coin too, but I’m so glad Anne wrote this up the right way. Some journalists (the same ones who give Trump a break and act like his rain excuse was real) are covering it like the average price is 3k (the majority of the tickets are like 20 bucks) and ignoring that some of the tickets are being scalped

I honestly appreciate that you write it as ‘prices as high.’

I will always 100 percent support a Democrat over a Republican and Sinema is leaps and bounds better than McSally. Frankly, I sometimes get a little irritated with other Dems who tear down a Dem in a close race between a Dem and a Republican (e.g. Phil Bredesen said some dumb shit, but every left outlet running pieces

I love Barbara Lee (a lot of progressives are pushing her) but her comments on Castro—let’s just say if we thought Nancy became the bogeyman in political ads (among other things), Barbara’s Castro comments are going to be running in a loop in every single goddamn political ad in Florida.

Yeah, I was shocked they held the game. I saw on the news that the air quality in Sacramento is so bad that they’ve been handing out face masks and cancelling events. Even LeBron, who is in peak physical condition, was bothered by the smoke.

Parts of Orange County are extremely white and conservative (well, at least used to be the latter as many seats flipped).  People used to joke that it was the Orange Curtain since it was so different ideologically from L.A. County.

The caravan is all the way down by Mexico City, but I do worry when they reach the border it is going to turn very, very ugly.  I don’t want to think that the troops will fire on asylum speakers, especially many of whom are women and children, but......

He’s such a horrible asshole, and also doesn’t even realize that the fires in Southern California aren’t considered forest fires. People’s lives are being lost and their homes are being destroyed, and you know he’s cackling in glee because he hates California.

I honestly believe that he’s going to try and start another war. He wants to go at Iran, especially with all the Iran hawks around him, but I feel like the potential backlash from the EU and other countries might give make him hesitate. Israel and Saudi Arabia would probably be the only ones cheerleading a war on

Yep.  Perfect isn’t the enemy of the good does not apply in this situation at all.  This is more of an all skin folks ain’t kin folk type of situation. 

I feel like Stacey is undoubtedly going to get a run-off and probably win if Kemp’s fuckery is curbed. As strange as it sounds, I recently heard a pretty good argument that GA has a better shot of going purple than FL based on the film money pouring in, young people moving into the state to work at one of the various

Scott looks like the love child of Voldemort and Skeletor, DeSantis looks like an ambulance chasing lawyer who dates barely legal girls.

I don’t think that’s Obama’s actual twitter account. But the sentiment remains true.

One day when I was hiking with my baby (my dog), I stopped at an overlook to take a rest, give her some water, etc. This guy was running right behind me and also came up onto the overlook, and I had a moment of panic as we were the only ones I could see on the trail and we were in a very isolated spot (it was the

Joe Lieberman is the fucking devil. Former Senator Nelson apparently played a role, but Lieberman is ultimately responsible for the lack of a public option.

Sorry, I misread your original post. I thought you were arguing that the average Democrat was Ocasio-Cortez/Sanders style left and that raised an eyebrow. I 100% agree that the big tent should be center-left to left, and not centrist to center-left. People like Sinema should not be driving the agenda at all.  I

I mean, I have my issues with Pelosi, but are you really arguing that the country doesn’t want more of someone like Sinema (who is awful but won) when Our Revolution candidates didn’t manage to flip a single seat and most of the progressives like Eastman, Bryce, etc. flamed out spectacularly? Meanwhile, center left