
This is the kind of shit where you can tell Faux news listeners are just brainwashed. The racists assholes watch these idiots laugh over someone not being able to afford an apartment, and they still think Faux represents the working class.

He’d never win Florida. Latinos aren’t a monolith, so obviously everyone’s not going to fall under this umbrella, but his comments on Chavez, etc. are going to drive away not just the more conservative Latinos but even some of the center-left....or at least depress the turnout.

To be honest, I sometimes side eye those approval ratings for Bernie from Black folks. If he’s so popular, why did he lose in such staggering numbers to Clinton of all people (like if it was Obama or Gillum or another highly charismatic Black politician, okay, I would get it but Hillary?)).

I used to be all for Harris/Brown, until I learned that Brown had a domestic abuse claim back in the day (it was his current wife, who walked it back, but it’s going to cause major trouble). Plus, some journalists have insinuated, not outright said because their asses would get sued, that he may have some metoo

Gillum does an excellent job discussing both. I’m praying that he ends up winning in FL, does a great job as Governor, gets picked up as a VP, and then eventually becomes President. And yeah, I know Kamala has a problematic past, but she’s evolved on some issues and also does pretty well on the intersection of race

Sinema is definitely going to win and at least McSally seems poised to recognize that she lost Arizona. My worry is that if Scott gets away with this in FL, it will embolden Trump to claim voter fraud when he loses in 2020.

Come on, it would probably make Trump and 3/4 of the GOP senators and representatives drop dead of shock if they learned that Mexico reconquered California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico, and some of us would be pretty damn willing to become Mexican again.

This is some banana republic shit.  Like I think it’s American arrogance and the false idea of American exceptionalism that keeps journalists from saying “this is illegal and corrupt as fuck for the president/current governor/current senator to do and tweet.”

We’re going to have to disagree on Stoller’s racism (he’s literally the type who cries not all wypipo) and Glenn’s complicity with racist systems. TBF, I’m a bit biased since Stoller drives a colleague of mine (who is an economist) in a different department insane as he apparently incorrectly makes assumptions from

I’d be more sympathetic to the targeting of a complacent liberal argument if Greenwald wasn’t constantly going on Tucker Carlson and Taibbi and co. didn’t regularly interact with Stoller, Tracey, and Caitlin Jonston on twitter (hint, the latter two are racist as fuck and the former subtly dog whistles all the time).

I’m depressed, but winning the house is still a big deal. We can go full obstruction on Trump’s ass, much like the racist republicans did to Obama back in the day. And while I’m no Nancy fan, tbf she followed up by saying they would fight Republicans and order investigations, etc. Plus, Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters

Nah, we’re aware that Obama had some deep flaws. I loved Obama and I think he was a pretty damn good president, especially in context with other presidents, but he had some major fuck ups.

Carter’s administration buddying up to Suharto was arguably worse than our current relationship with the Saudis, considering Suharto’s genocide in Timor Leste was arguably dependent on our equipment while the Saudis can just buy their bombs from anyone if we (as we should) turn them down.

Even some of the more liberal talking heads on MSNBC and CNN got all huffy....about Obama wearing a fucking tan suit. It’s one of the reasons why I will always get pissed when people downplay the racism and utter shit Obama had to deal with from the media, and not just Fox, and the Republicans.

I watched the clip (it was on twitter), she was mocking Swisher for mixing up Booker and Holder. Also, I definitely read the answer as she would have liked to be president but she’s not running. And I’m not even a Clinton fan, but it seems more like awkward wording more than anything else.

I’m sick of this assumption that racism is a symptom of various causes and not a deep root cause of fascists being elected. It’s a shield and an excuse for asshole white folks and it doesn’t explain why Bolsonaro and Trump both attracted far more white and wealthy voters. And it doesn’t even work when one considers

Good points. The time period is confusing. I know the comics take place in the 1960s and the style in the show indicates a similar era, but then you have Ambrose using a laptop and so on.

I find it kind of interesting that while the show on one hand serves as a rejection of the patriarchy in both worlds, it leans into an almost regressive relationship with Harvey. This bland 16 year old boy plays a large part in her semi-rejecting the witch world (she mentions over and over her friends and more

That moment was awful and something straight out of a plot in the 90s. If the point was that Sabrina was willing to do something wrong (which it hinted at) to achieve her aims, fine, but it still ends up coming across like Sabrina was completely in the right. Defending the transgender girl by pulling a homophobic

Most of the fashion bloggers who ran with it were white, I noticed, and some of the Black stylists I follow on twitter knew it was a Gibson Girl homage right away. Either the people who ran with it weren’t knowledgeable, or they were purposefully twisting the very real issue of cultural appropriate for outrage clicks,