
That was an excellent article. TY for posting it.

More or less. Football is brutal and people can be cruel to former stars or even current stars.

Mbappe apparently has a good family system. His dad was a coach and youth worker who is now his manager and his mom was a handball player. He grew up lower class in a banlieue, but he had a stable family unit and existence and wasn’t dirt poor/struggling to survive like some of the media has been trying to spin it

Sometimes I get tired of Sacha Baron Cohen, but after watching his latest show where he gets powerful GOP politicians to support aiming 5 year olds and reveals the utter insanity that we always knew was there.....yeah, these blimps will be shot down in a hot second :(.

She’s met with even worse, although never with someone who was quite so disrespectful to the English themselves and openly racist about English politicians.

I was talking to a Canadian colleague of mine who doesn’t care for Justin much (she’s very hard left) and even she thinks this story is bullshit because of the dates. I hadn’t even heard of the date discrepancy though, as our US media hasn’t really brought it up.

No problem :)

I’m probably going to get murdered for this take but here it goes. I somewhat agree with you but at the same time I can’t help but feel the reaction to Ocasio-Cortez’s win is more than a bit hyperbolic. It’s a district that went 40pts for Clinton and Crowley apparently did shit after the redistricting. She was a great

He’s vowed to end a lot of corruption, but is involved with a v. corrupt mining executive and a few other shady folks. He’s also dodged a lot of questions on LGBTQ rights and is still a populist (albeit a leftist populist).

This. I’m glad that she and Ben Jealous won their primaries, but I sure as hell remember reading in the WaPO just a few days ago about how a lot of Berniecrats are losing in their primaries (and I know several did in CA). One size does not fit all; we have to tailor the message to the district and go as far left as we

But that’s my point—leadership should take a nuanced view of the situation. Running 100% Hillary types or 100% Bernie types is not the solution and yet people (and much of the media) keep acting like that is the answer. In some parts of Orange County and San Diego, a jobs guarantee, free tuition for college, etc.

Shrug, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sure as hell wouldn’t be winning with her policies in Alabama, just like Sen. Doug Jones would be rejected in her solid, progressive blue district in New York. It’s not that hard—run the senate or congressional candidate that fits the district/region (much of CA could go far left,

Yep, tracking down Joy’s old blog post where she called a closeted gay Republican who was against gay marriage “Miss Charlie” instead of tackling Trump (and his media connections to Fox) is indicative of what’s wrong with our media.

Preach. Also, some of the Chapo Trap House/TYT/Jacobin journalists have said equally or more offensive things. As I wrote above, a lot of folks were falling all over one another recently to defend Matt Taibbi’s rape book that was originally publish as non-fiction as “satire and fiction.” And as always, we all know the

I have similar, conflicted feelings.

Yeah, most of the time it’s more quality of life than lifespan so I thought the dude maybe had some sort of severe form of progressive relapsing MS and all. Doesn’t look like that is the case though and Pusha just doesn’t understand what MS does to the body and that there are different types.

I’m sorry about your aunty. While there may not be a cure, at least treatments are getting better.

The Kid Cudi thing was fucked up on Drake’s part. I don’t even like Drake. But going after one another, going after one’s wives or women even though it’s misogynistic as hell, that’s what I expect from a beef.

See, I thought Eve stabbing her even though she wasn’t in danger at the moment kind of made sense. Yes, she had some emotional reasoning behind it (Bill) but they’ve been hinting that Eve herself is possibly a borderline sociopath. In this moment, Eve has crossed the line (semi-admitting to herself that she’s

Yep, and it seems to be getting worse in some ways (although to be fair, the immigration system is still light years ahead of the American system and arguably better than the UK, Spain, and several other European neighboring countries).