True, I fucked up on that
True, I fucked up on that
The thing is I kind of hate that they’ve hijacked the term “leftist” and “progressive” because there are a lot of leftists/progressives (especially more pragmatic leftists) who strongly disagree with the Chapo Bernie style crowd. However, the minute you pipe up you get called a centrist or neo liberal (terms that get…
Okay, but it doesn’t excuse the multiple other Bernie Bro type journalists from missing or vastly under reporting it compared to how they covered Obama. Oakford, who was hardly a fan of Obama and is a Bernie Bro type, is the only one I saw call people out on this discrepancy on twitter once.
Yes, I figured the fit/hairstyle were her own choice (and I liked both the dress and hair) but usually when people criticize fashion/styling they go after the stylist and not the person. I feel like people are so used to tight or bodycon dresses that old school dresses are often seen as “loose.”
Yep. And I’m side-eying the fuck out of her for not only yapping in the first place but seeming to blame Meghan for the fit/hairstyle instead of saying something like “the designer should have had the dress tailored more/the hairstylist was informal.” It’s....telling. Also, while I hate pitting ladies against each…
Eh, I don’t think it’s the same. Tambor/Cross/Bateman are terrible, especially Tambor, but in this case the show hardly revolves around Tambor unlike Transparent or House of Cards which was a Robin Penn/Spacey two hander. Also, he’s disgusting but what he’s done is not at all on the same level as being a pedophile.
The lady is supposedly Iranian. Obviously, not all Iranians are like this but they (especially the lighter skinned Persians) definitely have an issue where many look down on Arabs in general/Amazigh/Egyptians/Maghrebis for being “darker” (which is ironic in itself since many Amazigh are also pretty much white passing…
Yeah, I’m baffled. The only thing I can think of is it was an ironic “hey, you aren’t native, either, you colonizer” comment IF he said it.
Monique, this is fantastic. I’m left but I’ve long grown tired of the racism prevalent in much of the leftist media like Jacobin, Chapo, Splinter (which completely misinterpreted one study on Black homeownership to slam Obama) etc. and disappointed that people like Chris Hayes tweet/have them on their shows. Either…
I wrote this below, but it’s telling that so many of the white fauxgressives who continually called Obama the drone king on twitter/in articles are nearly silent on the fact that Trump has drastically increased the use of drones. I don’t remember the exact stats, but Trump’s increase is insane—something like 10x more…
Pretty sure one of the Chapo Chads called someone a house negro once (posted a pic of Sam Jackson from Djano Unchained in response to a critical tweet from a Black journalist) and I know they made fun of a rape victim. The fact that those assholes are regularly invited to talk to people like Chris Hayes and are…
Preach, Roo.
I fear the white folks like HamNo will never accept that socialism isn’t going to cure all of society’s ills. They’re still whinging about how the Trump voters would have voted for a Democrat if they offered universal healthcare (never mind that Obama tried single payer and it was not popular until a year or so ago)…
I used to read the occasional article but I got sick of their white Bernie Bro mentality. Also, they are clueless as fuck—they constantly trot out “Nina Turner or Killer Mike” support like the Beckiest of Beckys saying “I have a Black friend.”
A lot of white folks have this racist as fuck mentality where they half expect President Obama to be a magical negro and half expect to be his master.
True, but buttering up the Rock isn’t a bad move either. Connections can truly help in Hollywood and instead of being neutral or siding with the Rock...they defn. seemed to low key side with Vin (and if they were neutral I doubt Vin could get them kicked off the series). I suppose there is an element of loyalty…
The ag industry is furious because of the whole China and soybean debacle. I have no faith in the GOP held congress or senate upholding the law. My faith is that angry billionaires and corporations will lean on the GOP that they’ll have to get rid of him.
Kind of? In the last five minutes of the last episode, there are a lot of hints that two major problems will be resolved in the next season. You can tell though that season was definitely not planned as a ‘final season.’
Sigh, I didn’t know he had one of the Weev adjacent assholes on his show. I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am. Greenwald is also tight with Weev.
The thing is, not that many people are saying Obama was perfect. People are saying Obama was good, something that most progressives fail to realize (or they sneeringly say something like ‘well, it wasn’t hard to be better than Bush or Clinton.’) All I see of most rose twitter people is ‘buut, buut corporate’ instead…