Anne, did you see that Jeff Weaver accused Bakari Sellers of trying to ‘create racial division’ over Bakari’s criticism of Sanders’ comments. I’m kind of surprised that hasn’t garnered more press and backlash.
Anne, did you see that Jeff Weaver accused Bakari Sellers of trying to ‘create racial division’ over Bakari’s criticism of Sanders’ comments. I’m kind of surprised that hasn’t garnered more press and backlash.
Unfortunately, you are likely right that him being an old white man might have done the trick in spite of all the gerrymandering, etc.
All of this. Obama wasn’t perfect, but he got a lot of shit done in spite of the Republicans saying from day one their goal was the make him a one term president. I hate that people downplay his accomplishments, and frankly the Dems and even a few Black folks do it as well as the party of Mango Mussolini, and I…
I say this as someone who initially supported Bernie-the man never seems to admit he’s wrong when it comes to his fuck ups on race.
I’ll never forget that a few days before the election he tweeted out that he didn’t believe that everyone who voted for Trump was racist and/or sexist. That was telling as hell considering the timing....
I may be wrong, but there seems to be exactly one Black writer on Splinter and only a few other POC. I about lost it one day and went off on how the white folks there trot out the same damn few people (Nina, Killer Mike) in a “I have Black friends” type of way.
Same. One of the saddest moments was when Stan was so damn happy at Paige dating his son and the possibility that it could become serious because of how it would tie him to Phillip.
I agree that his drifting away from spying was solely because he couldn’t handle violence anymore and his involvement with the KGB was more of a victim of circumstances sort of thing. However, the flashbacks to his previous life and his love of Americana, especially the focus on how poor he used to be, seems to…
Vin Diesel can be a dick and difficult on set, but I think it’s kind of telling that most of the cast seemed to low key side with Vin. The Rock is the one who made it public in the first place and making these on set squabbles public, especially one that is so petty, is also considered to be unprofessional even if it…
Same. Part of me thinks Oleg is going to get bumped off since his wife seemed convinced he is going to get killed in America, but the show is so subtle and unpredictable that I doubt his fate is so obvious.
I’ve been wondering if Phillip, via a struggling business, would become disenchanted with the Americana he’s so obviously fond of at this point (line dancing, kid in private school, private business). For the past few seasons the show has leaned hard into Elizabeth being a true believer and Phillip not so much, but…
I have been reading up on the Corbyn thing and it is so bizarre. Apparently at the Seder there was a group chant of “Fuck you All, Enough is Enough” (as I’m sure you know, the slogan of the anti-semitism march was Enough is Enough). Doesn’t he have a PR person who can steer him in the direction of some mainstream…
I’m also baffled at how badly the system failed that two abusive, suicidal women were able to adopt all these children. I suspect that they had money and these were private adoptions, which tend to be easier, because the system in addition to being racist is also somewhat homophobic in many states.
I screamed when he did that lol. I kind of hope he starts doing more films and TV work in addition to theater as he’s magnetic on screen.
Uh, Stompie Moeketsi was 14 when he was murdered. She allegedly ordered her personal bodyguards to have a child murdered, a young Black anti-apartheid activist, because she suspected him of informing the police (most people believe he wasn’t an informant at all). Pretty sure the other three kidnapped with him were…
I mean, I don’t think theft negates talent. There are talented musicians who did “steal” and there are talented musicians who stole and later developed their own sound.
I read a comment that kind of summed up an issue with the press coverage of MeToo. Basically, it seems like a lot of the press has focused on clickbait and/or overemphasizing the role of those who may have had some direct or indirect complicity instead of outing predators and the major power players that enable their…
True, including most world leaders even if W was worst than most. We need to change the structure which semi-dictates how the leader performs but that will never happen
Exactly as BlackMage said. Since you mentioned whether Pryor got with Brando in his prime, I went off on a tangent on the other men that Quincy said had relations with Brando and how that matched up with the timeline of Brando’s slide into rapid aging. Baldwin probably got prime Brando, Pryor might have got it right…
Yep. I mean, it’s possible that she’s making money off club appearances but I doubt it’s enough to have a good life in Dubai. That said, it’s entirely possible that she is not ‘technically’ engaging in sex work. She could be the mistress of some wealthy man in Dubai who wants to keep her nearby-there are definitely…