I believe Dylan.
I believe Dylan.
Preach. I really feel like this will be the creep’s last film.
I feel like her life story would make a fascinating film or HBO series. I hope she uses her brilliance and evil powers for good and helps get rid of Mango Mussolini since she (possibly) played a part in his election.
I found that article fascinating when I read it a few years ago. She came across as conniving, brilliant, and kind of evil but the men were bigger shitbags, especially Rupert, and hardly victims like VF sort of made the first one out to be.
We’re not going to agree at all considering you seem to take Wikileaks seriously even now. And while my politics don’t align at all with The Telegraph, it is certainly not the equivalent of Breitbart. It’s more the equivalent of a slightly more conservative WSJ. I’ve posted a 60 minutes link about Chelsea punching…
I agree, there is a lack of nuance in p0litical discourse. I’ve seen the flip side on twitter where people, instead of fawning over him, have erased his many accomplishments in favor of reducing him to his two shitty stances.
I’m well aware that Ben Cardin has a shitty record when it comes to Israel and the surveillance state. The man also authored bills to increase child support and to provide more assistance to foster children in addition to authoring a bill to expand medicare. He’s well regarded by the NAACP, has an F rating by the NRA,…
The lack of cohesion and focus in the party drives me insane. Let’s hope we get it together soon as I’m worried that 2020 is going to roll on up.
I have to disagree with you about caucuses. Turnout was three time lower in caucuses as compared to primaries in 2016, and there is tons of data to back this up (I’ve only posted one link). If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it’s a duck. Getting rid of superdelegates is a great idea, but I don’t see…
Tim Scott said that Lindsay Graham confirmed everything to him even if the cowardly asshole won’t confirm it in public.
This. I’ve been saying if Oprah wants to get into politics have her as the VP with someone like Duckworth, Harris, O’Malley, Biden, Booker, etc.
She keeps caping for caucuses even though multiple studies have shown they decrease voter turnout, especially for people of color. So it’s very, very frustrating to hear her go on about fighting “voter suppression” when she’s promoting something that is widely seen by many as a form of voter suppression since most…
Well, she was trounced in the SOS race in Ohio and she seems to spend far more time berating the Democratic party and the oh so evil “establishment” Democrats than going after Trump. She runs Our Revolution now and they basically did jack shit about Doug Jones and even sent out an email the morning of his election…
I was talking mostly about his antisemitic comments and his other bigoted slurs when he was defending Mel Gibson. He allegedly beat his second or third wife, but to be fair he was awarded full custody in that situation and I don’t think he was charged.
Yep, I was a kid at the time so I didn’t learn about the infamous break up by fax until I read up more on Isabelle A. That said, his asshole attitude towards her is positively mild compared to Franco and Oldman.
I’m guessing the blind is based off the fact that he kidnapped and raped a 14 year old Lori Maddox. I’ve never understood why people didn’t make a bigger deal about him being an incredibly sick creep, especially since the victim straight up confirmed it a long time ago in an unauthorized biography (even if she doesn’t…
CDAN has been busted by a few outlets for being BS (Blind Gossip doesn’t even use them anymore because of it) although they get some stuff right because of educated guessing. That said, the stories about Franco have been out for years in other tabloids and blind item sites and he was straight up busted creeping on a…
I feel like the Oscar is going to be awarded to DDL. Supposedly, this is his last role so they’ll want to reward him and he has never been accused of abuse or harassment. Not to mention, he’s obviously an excellent actor.
I feel like a lack of nuance is a large problem with MENA coverage by many Western journalists (a recent example is the coverage of the ongoing Iranian protests). Yes, America shares a large chunk of the blame in Libya but so do several Western countries, especially France, and the UN. It shouldn’t be that hard for a…
It’s a systematic issue and I feel like his power would be taken away if journalists went after Amazon and SPC (who work with him) or even CAA and WME instead of focusing on Selena Gomez. But a lot of journalists are cowards and don’t want to get access shut off for interviews with future Amazon and SPC films or have…