
I wrote this above but I’m kind of bothered by people equating being a cheating asshole (or possible cheating asshole) or working with Allen/Polanski with sexual and physical abuse. Ewan worked with Polanski and Allen and (possibly) cheated on his wife. Hugh hired a prostitute while he was in a relationship with Liz

I think Timberlake is gross and working with Woody Allen is fucked up (although the Take Back the Night thing was a stretch), but I don’t think he belongs on a list of people who have been accused of harassing underage girls, abusing their partners, etc.

I love Jason but this is odd. While I believe it was a horrible, major fuck up to go into Libya, I’m kind of baffled at this rewriting of history that Gaddaffi wasn’t so bad, the opposition forces were nonexistent, and that this was mostly Obama and Clinton’s fault. I see those points parroted a lot and it’s bizarre

If you are talking post 1950s America, even with horrific Jim Crow and our international wars, we still have a better track record than Russia or Iran....

The anonymous excuse is fucking stupid, but Scientology is infamous of accusing ex-members of pedophilia and/or rape or other heinous crimes. Lee Baca (may his racist, incompetent ass continue to rot in jail) used to be entangled with them and there have long been rumors that he specifically went after ex-members.

I’m in the same position. Didn’t Lawrence Wright or another journalist who has been going after Scientology for a long time say that the church’s favorite method is to accuse former members of pedophilia or rape?

I feel like a LOT of folks are not pragmatic enough when it comes to politicians. It’s one of the things that frustrates me as a leftist about the DSA (besides how damn white they tend to be despite touting a few POC leaders), that they don’t acknowledge that viewpoints have shifted dramatically over the past ten

Rose twitter is often a symbol of DSA or far leftists. A lot of them are okay folks, but there is definitely a racist, sexist, contingent of white Glenn Greenwald type fuckbois whom tout political purity tests. People get fed up because the worst part of rose twitter tends to be disproportionately loud and

Something similar happened to one of my cousins to the point that she had to get the police involved. I know most stories work out okay or even great, like the ones talked about on Jez, but I also wish people would be careful and pragmatic.

Lawd, I know he obviously doesn’t agree with Spencer. My point is that he’ll tear someone like Coates to shreds and pounce on every teeny, tiny thing that someone says that he disagrees with but remains silent when a white supremacist condones his statement. Be an equal opportunity critic, don’t suddenly shut up when

My issue is that Dr. West, who doesn’t hesitate to clap back, is silent about it.

Cackling. My first reaction was also “suuuree, it leaked.”

All of this, especially about Obama. I agree with some of Dr. West’s points also—but his utter pettiness, overtly personal attacks instead of professional critiques, and sheer hypocrisy get me up in arms. Also, I keep waiting for him to criticize the somewhat shady HMC, which manages Harvard’s nearly 40 billion dollar

West only said that after he got dragged repeatedly by Maher and others. Going back doesn’t erase what he was saying about Clinton, Sanders, and Trump before. Baraka is also now walking back his words on his holocaust denial but he did do that shit before (and no, it wasn’t some pro-Israel people unfairly going after

Not alleging, it’s straight up documented that Tavis took money. Getting paid by corporations is the problem if your voice is all about how other people are bought by the big corporations. And my problem is West’s hypocrisy in going all out on people like Coates and conveniently ignoring that Ajamu Baraka denies the

Evette’s tweet sums up my feelings on this shit.

He was running around with Tavis on their bash Obama (poverty) tour after Tavis took money from Exxon Mobile, Wells Fargo, and ALEC connected corporations. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. He capes for a holocaust denying, 9/11 truther (Jill Stein’s running mate). The Brother Trump Bernie shit was the last straw for me.

He does use Brother and Sister a lot. Doesn’t take away the fact that he made a comment about the authenticity of Brother Trump and Brother Bernie and how both are better than Hillary. Doesn’t change that he caped for Jill Stein’s holocaust denying running mate.

I remember the Beyonce slash male gaze thing from years ago and it wasn’t that bad in context...and Emma W. also issued what seemed like a real apology. The “my bosses are Black!” thing was way worse imo. At the end of the day she’s not up there with the Amys, JLaws, etc. tho.

I feel like some people have this pathological need to be contrarian and an odd aversion to pragmatism. I’m also curious to see where everyone goes when the “Bernie” thing finally dies out or if they’ll continue to keep trying like the Green Party.