
I’m wondering if the pregnancy will kill Cersei, because if Jaime is the father it could technically fit the prophecy of her younger brother leading to her death. I feel like it is way too obvious to have Jaime straight up murder her at this point.

Dany can definitely be problematic but she is nowhere near Cersei’s level. Also, people keep touting Jon and Robb as leaders but Jon got his ass stabbed and Robb switched from being overly merciful to overly hard....

My issue is Rhaegar knew his Dad was insane and never spared a thought that his paranoid Dad might prevent Elia from going to Dragonstone. It also makes no sense since Elia probably would be okay with a second wife as long as her kids were still first in line for the throne. If Rhaegar lived his actions would have

He already had two male heirs though (his brother Viserys and his son Aegon) and a potential third male heir (the unborn Dany since they didn’t know her sex). He basically annulled his marriage because he fell in love with a girl, not woman, and he was obsessed with a prophecy and convinced that he needed to have

I have problems with Dany but I actually thought her execution of the Tarlys made sense in the GOT world? She seemingly contemplated sending him to the wall after Tyrion mentioned that option...but then Randyll opened his mouth and starting spouting off that she couldn’t do that as she wasn’t his Queen. Of all of

Ha, yeah...although I did like that he pointed out that folks in interracial relationships with white people and who have a lot of white friends need to question if they have an ulterior motive. You see that a lot with Black men and white women (and before some gets their feelings hurt in the grey, I’m definitely not

While I’m cackling at these saltine (actually, that’s not even fair to saltines) bigots getting chased away, I’m fucking terrified about the rest of the hate rallies this asshole has organized. Apparently there is going to be one in Texas in a few weeks. I feel paranoid, but I swear Trump wants a Reichstag fire.

I interpreted Jez’s original post as trying to come for Kara Walker by mentioning that she’s been denounced and seemingly grouping her in with Marina. Granted, I was very tired when I read this article last night and it doesn’t seem as bad now.

The idea of a ban is definitely misleading, but it’s also misleading the way the article frames the opposition letter as wypipo who have fucked up like Dana Schutz (there are at least four Black artists, possibly more, and several other non-Black POC people who signed this letter. Also, I know Fusco didn’t sign but

Jack Whitten, Kara Walker, Lisa Corinne Davis, and Dread Scott are Black and all signed this letter. There are several additional, non-Black artists who are POC who also signed this letter. Coco Fusco, who is Afro-Cuban and a giant in the art world, has also critiqued the protest to have Schutz banned even if she

Preach. Also, it’s terrifying and sad that despite Rexy’s numerous fuck ups that he’s still one of the more “sane” people at the table.

I thought it kind of righted itself by the end. I loved the first five or so episodes, the next few had me going WTF, and the final two were good imo.

Nah, Sylvester wasn’t confirmed but there were some pretty big hints that both were hosts in the final episode.

I agree (that he loves symbolism too much to turn himself into a clone and that it is his penance), but apparently the theory is a popular one.

I believe Fox actually coined the term Obamacare and then it caught on. I wish people would stick to calling the ACA the ACA but I’ve even seen people on MSNBC call the ACA Obamacare so it’s a lost cause.

Yep, and when you add in Felix’s obsession with the bird and that Maeve was programmed to escape....I definitely think the theory will prove true during Season 2.

The first mistake was letting the ACA be nicknamed Obamacare. The reason so many fucking racist, sexist, dumb idiots hate it is because of Obama’s name and something like 1/4 of people opposing Obamacare don’t even realize it is the ACA (there were a couple of studies that cited that).

My favorite theory is that Felix and Sylvester are hosts themselves.

My boyfriend is convinced that Anthony’s character made a host version of himself.

True, but Westworld is the first time in a long time when Hopkins seems to be doing more than phoning it in.