
I was wary of Westworld at first because I heard there was gratuitous violence, but the disturbing imagery is on a much lesser scale compared to GOT. Also, there isn’t much sexual violence despite a certain scene from the beginning which turns out to be something completely different. What I like about Westworld is

Oh, I completely agree that if it started as an ultimatum that it not okay even if the two women later had a deep relationship. I just sometimes suspect that the author who advocated the ultimatum theory may have had some preconceived notions about polyamory/bisexuality as she handled the topic in a strange way.

Didn’t Olivia and Elizabeth live together for many years after Marston’s death? I suppose he could have issued an ultimatum, but by all accounts the women had a serious and deep relationship which kind of makes me doubt the whole Elizabeth was very unhappy with Olivia angle that some writers theorize. There’s also a

It’s also very interesting (and depressing) that only a handful of Democrats are pushing the 50 state strategy and the idea of tailoring each candidate for each geographical area.

The central issue is that the Voting Rights Act was basically gutted in 2012 and gerrymandering/voter suppression is a huge fucking problem. Far leftists and centrists and center-leftists though would rather ignore that for the most part in favor of eating one another and blaming each other’s policies.

The Dems eating one another is rage inducing. I see the far left refusing to recognize that several of the Berniecrats have lost (and that the new wave of American populism is intertwined with racism) and I see the center-left and centrist liberals refusing to recognize that moving even the slightest bit to the left

Unemployment has been at record lows for a while now. It can always be lower though, so pushing that angle is a win (plus the white folks in the Midwest/W. Va who refuse to accept that a lot of the manufacturing jobs and coal aren’t ever coming back will bite at it).

Samuel Oakford has written about the Trump administration’s war killing nearly as many civilians as Obama’s administration during all of Obama’s eight years as have several other prominent journalist. I saw that someone provided a link to Newsweek, but I believe Daily Beast and several others have covered it too.

You can’t reason with those types of people. Hell, I thought Obama was way too hawkish (and I know other Dems wanted him to be even more hawkish), but it’s beyond absurd to equate his FP ideas with Trump and the GOP. As you rightfully pointed out, approximately the same amount of civilians have already died under the

I’ve always thought the housing issue was way more of an issue than the unemployment rate (and I factor in U6 unemployment too). While there definitely is an issue with some regional unemployment (which is often in dying sectors like coal), the overall unemployment rate has been near record lows for a few years at

Hopefully, it’s just made up like most disgusting tabloid stories and Mindy doesn’t have an awful friend selling her out.

Exactly. Like if he was 20, I might cut him a break for this insanity because no one wants to think about their mom stepping out (I doubt he’s adopted because the Dad walking away when he was so little meshes more with the idea that the mom stepped out). But he is way, way too old for this foolishness and I’m sure

Some no name rapper made a ransom video for the dog and has now changed his story claiming he bought the dog for 20k off Lucky’s ex. Insanity. My guess is it was the friend or the ex still had the keys to his house or both of them together.

The man is swimming in self hatred. If he was raised in a super Italian household by his Italian mom and values that side of his heritage, then how hard would it be to simply call himself Black Italian?  Pretty sure that’s how Franco Harris identifies. Problem solved.

Agree, it’s kind of an apples and oranges situation where both US domestic and WW box office (and the overall market as a whole outside of theater gross) are important for various (often different) reasons but they aren’t the equivalent.

Yep, in reality cops don’t have that much training. Systematic racism in society and to a lesser degree shitty training, American gun culture, low wages, and a deadly’s not a surprise that we continually get fucked over by the police and occasionally even wypipo do too.

Completely forgot that DH was one film split into two parts. I’m aware that Wondy is seen as a very “American” product, which makes its WW gross very impressive. I’d argue that HP, even though it is a very British film, has a more international appeal than Wondy.

Both the domestic and WW gross are important. While I don’t doubt Harry Potter while hold the WW record, Wondy beating him domestically is still a big effing deal.

Am I the only one disappointed that the spoilers are probably right? I feel like Sansa doesn’t get much of a storyline and the spoiler with her and Arya is ridiculous. Arya also doesn’t seem to get much of a storyline past the first two episodes. I know there’s a good moment for the two Stark sisters during the last

While I think gerrymandering played a huge part, I don’t blame it only on gerrymandering. However, on the front page of The Guardian there was a blaring headline about how Osoff not having a “progressive message” was the reason he lost. That’s definitely a “spin” I’ve seen in certain parts of the media and from the