It’s disgusting that gerrymandering and the gutting of the voting rights acts has basically been brushed aside by most of the media and politicians.
It’s disgusting that gerrymandering and the gutting of the voting rights acts has basically been brushed aside by most of the media and politicians.
I love Imani.
Yep. Their blindness to their own privilege despite supposedly being “woke” continues to astound me. The words neoliberal and corporate shill send giant ole flashing lights to me nowadays.
Praying the SCOTUS makes the right decision. I’ve always advocated bringing back the 50 State system and working on voter turnout in addition to fighting gerrymandering, voter suppression. We could have a clearer message, but the other aspects are more important imo.
Preach about twitter. Not only does it open the doors for a ton of hate speech to easily reach the masses, it also creates this weird echo chamber. I popped off when I saw that racist bullshit and even more when I saw how many people tried to defend his white ass for using the word Uncle Tom. Nomkiki what’s her face…
Preach. I get so frustrated when people downplay gerrymandering or needing to work on voter turnout in favor of messaging. Osoff clearly stated his positions and Handel went off on saying she doesn’t support a minimum wage.
Further to the left in that fucking district? It’s gerrymandered to hell and full of rich, racist white folks. I keep seeing people push this idea that strong progressive populism will win over these conservative areas but the Bernie backed dudes like Quist and Mello aren’t winning their races. I’m aware MT has…
While I think it was a fool’s errand to try and turn G06 blue, running a Bernie type in that area would have been equally futile. I wish we went back to a 50 state strategy instead of some Dems trying to push Sanders types everywhere (that’s never going to happen in fucking West Virginia and it certainly didn’t help…
I don’t completely disagree, but I find it absurd that people think running a far left candidate against someone like Joe Manchin or in Georgia’s Sixth is going to work. Not only is socialism still viewed as a dirty word in most of America, but class based concerns are most often filtered through a giant old racist…
Apparently the seat in SC was held by a Dem around ten years ago.....meanwhile, G06 has been a Republican stronghold (by huge margins) for decades even if Hillary came close in the election.
I’m talking more about their initial reaction when I say knee-jerk, but their latter comment is also clearly aimed at Obama. Yeah, they weren’t out there spouting birther conspiracies and most people know that but it was clear as hell.
Harris FTW.
I’m terrified that this division in the Democratic party is going to keep people from unifying behind a candidate like Kamala. She’s brilliant, intelligent, and charismatic as hell. She has virtually no baggage. Instead of getting behind someone like her though we are eating our own.
I really like Holder, but the man is despised by both the racist far right and the (often racist) alt-left Glenn Greenwald types.
I truly like Holder, but the racist far right despises him as much as they hate Obama and the mostly white (often low key racist) alt-left bros from places like TYT despise him because he doesn’t pass their purity test as he didn’t prosecute the big banks (even though he explained the futility of doing so).
The full statement was “Do I think the past administration could have done more? The results speak for themselves.” Additionally, when he was first arrested (about a year and a half ago) the family also made some borderline inflammatory statements that I’d have to comb through google to find.
Yep. Kim is a culture vulture who often crosses the line into outright racism, but to call this case of awful appropriation “blackface” kind of minimizes actual blackface imo. I definitely feel the anger though because of her history of appropriation. Anyway, I agree with Flowbee.
Actually, I’d even understand some misplaced blame at the administration after several months, but seemingly from day one they politicized the situation and irrationally placed blame on the Obama administration. The blame for this horrible tragedy lies with the tour company, the North Korean government, and yes, even…
That is the exact problem. When North Korea goes down (and it probably is a when, unless somehow a moderating influence manages to kick the Kim family out of influence), they will cause as much destruction as possible even if the country is on its last legs. I keep hoping that China will somehow manage to resolve some…
A lot of people preach interference without realizing that South Korea would be absolutely fucked.