
I’ve also been accused of victim blaming, but it’s a legitimate question. North Korea has handlers for foreign tourists that basically only allow them to see propaganda or (fairly new) items. Unless you are a journalist, scholar that has some connection to authoritarian countries or North Korea, have family from the

The Warmbier family has unfairly and repeatedly insulted the Obama administration and blamed them for their son’s situation and ultimate death. I’m very sorry a young man died, especially in such a grotesque fashion, but I think the family’s absolute refusal to take any personal responsibility or think reasonably (it

I actually think he has a serious issue with 95% of his films focusing on white men instead of women or POC. I’d even argue that the BFG is more about the giant than the girl. In all honesty, I always associate The Color Purple with Whoopi, the novel, Oprah, and Danny....I forgot Steven even directed the film so it’s

I agree that Teller is actually a very good actor. I thought he was the best thing in The Spectacular Now and that film also had two very good performances by Brie Larson and Shailene Woodley. I still wouldn’t hatefuck him though lol.

In terms of general douchiness, at least someone like Teller isn’t the product of nepotism and has actual screen presence. Elgort seems so...bland and mayo. He isn’t bad, he isn’t good, he’s just...there.

Gund founded the (quite large) non-profit Studio in a School (established art classes and brought in artists to classrooms) in the late 1970s after budget cuts more or less demolished art education in NYC’s public schools. I believe Studio in a School also has scholarships. Granted, I don’t know much about her beyond

Isn’t this the second time in the past week Clarence has done something good? Miracles never cease.

Oh, I know they are not the same and that it is very easy to get papers for an emotional support animal. The emotional support system is badly abused when people can take their emotional support pig with them. I’m saying they can both provide a level of comfort to people who suffer from PTSD, even if a service animal

Sure, but I’m not expecting someone with PTSD to necessarily have the same reaction if the dog is literally his lifeline...and it’s possible the guy was also concerned with the victim and it just wasn’t quoted in the article. Anyway, we both feel awful for the victim.

It can cost up to $15,000 for a service dog and it can take a long time for people to get one through a charity. The system is badly abused, for sure, but it’s not all Beckys wanting to take their yappy purse dog everywhere. I feel horrible for the victim, but I think it’s okay to feel sorry for a vet with PTSD (even

Preach. We can have sympathy for everyone in this situation from the victim to the dog to the vet with PTSD who made a big mistake in how he handled his dog. Yes, the system is abused. However, there are people who legitimately need emotional support dogs and it can be VERY expensive and hard to obtain service dogs.

The system is abused, but it is harder than people realize for vets with PTSD to get service dogs so sometimes they get papers for emotional support dogs (friend volunteers with an organization that involves vets). I am not trying to minimize anxiety or other disorders, but I do think it is different when someone with

Most dogs that are sitting in an owner’s lap, even if they are well trained and someone who approaches the owner isn’t nervous, are going to be territorial. That was a huge mistake on the owner’s part. The dog should have had a muzzle (as much as I don’t care for them, for a plane ride it is needed) and been in its

He is squeaky clean. I believe one of the political commenters on twitter said his wife is not happy with the idea of him running for president....but who knows? I’m also surprised that his name doesn’t come up often. The only downside is he would be 68 in 2020, but he’s a youngish 64 right now.

Oh, Biden definitely has some big flaws but I do think his anger at Hillary is probably based more off her team trying to prevent him from running in the midst of Beau’s illness than sexism. However, I also believe a lot of the “coronation” talk around Hillary is deeply rooted in sexism....she was extremely qualified

Tammy and Sherrod Brown would be a good ticket. Sherrod is fairly popular in the rust belt, and until we get rid of the fucking electoral college and racial gerrymandering we have to partially cater to those folks. He’s also apparently well liked in DC. Tammy is a veteran, which would also appeal to those folks, but

It’s not Hillary or Bill’s fault that there aren’t a lot of Democratic stars, but it was reported by several outlets (including Politico) that the reason Biden is salty towards Hillary is because he believes her team leaked several negative stories about him right around the time people were tossing their names

Apparently there is a lot of discontent among the faculty and several are just angry at everyone. Most blame the administrators though because they feel if they had just addressed racial tensions on and off the campus it would have never developed into this clusterfuck.

Yep. I’ve been hearing something very similar down the grapevine. It wasn’t that the email was that awful (although a few lines were definitely problematic/borderline white liberal racist) was the fact that he has a history of pulling dumb stunts. Combine it with long simmering racial tensions and everything

While I rolled my eyes at his email (which started out fine and then evolved into borderline white liberal racism), I do believe he had every right to compose the email. Apparently, a fair amount of people did find the idea of switching the tradition to be poorly thought out and the original email behind it to be