Or.. call me crazy... Wait until you see it to decide what it is.
Or.. call me crazy... Wait until you see it to decide what it is.
Do they care? They don’t need “ratings” there’s no advertisement revenue being lost because one show isn’t being watched. You’re acting like this is a classic television model.
I agree, just don’t watch it (or hate watch it). If you have a teenage daughter, ask her not to watch it, or watch it with her and explain why it’s outdated and offensive. If that’s not possible, then have a separate conversation about body image, self-confidence, etc etc. It’s not Netflix job to parent our kids. I…
But on the other hand, watch it (or one episode) to see if it actually is fat-shaming, and then go on your rant/start a petition. I think we all know that trailers aren’t always a true representation of the show/movie, so all this seems premature. And yes, if after one episode you think it is fat shaming, then don’t…
But what if it’s good? What if there’s more to it than is assumed?
Yeah, Netflix just sees this kind of thing as free advertising. They’re counting on people hate-watching at the very least.