My lunch lady wore gloves when selling food to kids when I was at school, DOES THIS MEAN SHE SUSPECTED US OF HAVING AIDS?
My lunch lady wore gloves when selling food to kids when I was at school, DOES THIS MEAN SHE SUSPECTED US OF HAVING AIDS?
I can say as someone who wore gloves all day for a job that you forget you are wearing them (and then think you are wearing them later on the bus, and when you are sleeping).
The real issue is that someone is getting called out for wearing gloves while handling and giving out food.
Let me get this straight: people flip their shit if the motherfucker at Chipotle doesn’t wear gloves while preparing their burrito, but this woman gets shit on for wearing them while serving hungry kids? Do I have that right?
why the hell are you wearing gloves? You planning on fingering the kids?
YOU need to look at the pictures again, because you’re looking at the ones that have been cropped to remove the kids in the background who are eating food and drinking. As a matter of fact, the full version of the picture you are talking about (of her next to white kids at a different event) is in the first set of…
But that is not how the media works. Outrage first, facts later. (Maybe)
Just a thought: She may have been required to wear gloves when handing out food. You know, like in most places where food is distributed.
Now stop it.
Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been…
Well, the CDC has a point. Tobacco companies are sneaky bastards and will do anything to hook that all important youth market if there aren’t laws in place telling them they can’t do certain things. This is mostly an issue in low and middle income countries where they use bright packaging and sponsor basically all…
Flagged for smoking.
I love seeing smoking in film. I fell back into smoking after quitting for a little bit and goddamn people treat you like fucking shit if you’re a smoker. Even if you’re a courteous smoker who doesn’t smoke around other people. If they have ANY idea that you smoke they immediately shun you. I think people hate smokers…
I think, like, 30 people have quit (or been fired, I suppose) within the past two months.
Interesting. Wait . . . this isn’t like that silly season you folks had when you were getting transferred over to Univision as Gawker shut down, right? Univision isn’t about to massively carve you guys up and fire 30 people?
They usually don’t! He was, in all likelihood, just kinda curious and/or maybe really hungry and trying to determine if this lying-down meat sack would do in a pinch, but noped out of there pretty fast once everyone else woke up.
a) Humans taste like rancid poo. It’s like our final remaining natural defense besides…
Why are bears so cute if they want to eat us?
Sometimes I long for the days of Paris Hilton bawling in the back of a cop car and Lindsay Lohan getting special manicures for the judge presiding over her case.