
It happened in Haiti, Liberia, etc etc. There is NO state that was able to overcome white supremacy except for one Asian country.

What? Liberia is a terrible shit hole. Its been through genocide and its still basically adrift.

This is very true and goes to my point: a free black state, post civil war, has to contend with the realities of global White Supremacy. Haiti had to pay France “or else.” New Colonia wouldn’t look much different.

I mean, I know you’re capeing hard for white supremacy here but, can you at least try to use your imagination as freely as you do when you assume that lacking whites means lacking development? Could you try?

He also recounts with pride his recent livestream interview with Kyle Thompson, the infamous contractor employed by Leighton Security Services, who first attempted to infiltrate the encampment, then pointed a loaded AR-15 at water protectors after his truck was run off the road. (Brennon Nestacio, the Pueblo water

People are taking a victory lap on Twitter about this show, but it seems really odd to me. How are three of today’s poorest states supposed to be “ascendant” in this alternate reality, where white america didn’t have more guns and more land and more resources and free trade with Europe and other colonial powers?

This idea that women’s rights have to be taken away to get votes has no foundation.

Actually mass shooters are pretty evenly split by race, proportional to their presence in American society.

The point is we get NOTHING if we don’t get back in power. Unless one of our sacred cows dies, or at least goes to sleep for a few years, things get WORSE, not better. If we don’t unseat Republicans in 2018 and 2020 then they get to draw the districts again. You think gerrymandering is a problem now? Wait until they

So you want to die on the hill of abortion so we get NOTHING? You realize that if we don’t win in 2018 and 2020 then Republicans get to draw the next set of lines and gerrymander the country EVEN MORE, right?

In a related story, the White America Emergency Foundation began distributing handkerchiefs and pain medication for the output of white tears and the surge of butt-hurt wypipo who will surely start a Twitter campaign about canceling their Amazon subscriptions because they are outraged about McGruder and Packer’s

If HBO’s Confederate—an imagined version of the modern-day U.S. where the South won the Civil War and continues to practice the terrorist tradition of slaveryis the ice cream dreams of white America, then New Colonia is the fantasy of black America.

With legislation like this and the fact that no one appears ready to let a sacred cow die, I don’t think the Democrats will ever get back in power.

What went wrong is that the Republicans are in power and we will lose a hell of a lot more under them than we will lose under the Democrats. Under the Democrats we could even gain single payer, universal basic income or at least a living wage. All issues women like.

Maybe Universal Health Care, or a Universal Basic Income, or any of the dozens of other issues Democrats can win on? I think women like those things too.

You can pat yourself on the back with that shit all you want, but nothing gets fixed if we don’t win. Period. End of story. The Communist Party of America gets 100% of its support from American Communists. They aren’t winning anytime soon either.

We can’t fix gerrymandering without actually winning. And nope, you are wrong: there were no new voting restrictions in Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. Turning people away at the polls didn’t do shit.

At my office we lost our air conditioning last week, and the men have complained that they are not allowed to wear shorts in the dress code (and to be fair to them, I recorded a temperature on the 2nd floor of 102 degrees yesterday).

Well, have fun having a another 4 years of Trump.