5th Gen iPad Mini
5th Gen iPad Mini
...this does just look like a way to profit a quick buck off a well-known brand.
It was fun.
Considering how most MMOs dole out soulless fetch quests through random NPCs, it has more to do with the quest design rather than the source. Rather than dotting the landscape with random NPCs giving out the same quests over and over, Bethesda set up a limited event using a single NPC that reskins that kind of game…
If you’re grilling, especially if you’re going to flip once a minute, you’re probably not going to put the cover down to begin with. At least I’m not, and I’m going to start with a pretty hot fire as well.
Knowing things and learning things is good.
Being pedantic about a movie poster for a kids movie is not a great look.
Oddly, though probably not, all those pics seemed to be summed up in a particular when he said...
they told us they were out of most of their food, but could put together mac & cheese topped with some brisket
Not all festivals are the Fyre Festival, dude. There are literally dozens of festivals every year in my medium-sized cultureless midwestern city, and most of them are very affordable. I went to a cool blues music one just last week! Tickets were $50 which is a lot, but I really liked the artists that were there. I…
So, reading is hard: They DID sell out of their inventory. That’s why the LW got the portion they did; the food the vendor sold them was likely not even on the menu. It’s right there in the beginning of the letter.
But Hearthstone is a highly commercial IP with a highly commercial art direction, mass market appeal is the primary goal to begin with. Responding to external requirements isn't a hindrance to the job, it's THE job.
Ok you clearly aren’t thinking of this story within the context of when it was set. Even if they don’t worship him as a god, the rest of the world still sees Dr. Manhattan as an American-made threat. The Soviets and other nuclear capable nations aren’t going to join hands and sing Kumbaya when the American Superman…
Yeah, Snyder whiffed on two of the most key aspects of the Watchmen mythos (Rorshach and the ending).
I agree with your second paragraph, but Veidt’s scheme wasn’t about people wanting to fight Dr. Manhattan or surrender, it was about him never being able to blend in or be around anybody on earth since they all think he is the monster behind all the troubles. He already had one foot out the door, but by pinning the…
What does it say about me that I’m perfectly willing to accept real-life videogame fights and superpowered vegans, but I can’t suspend my disbelief enough to believe that multiple beautiful women would be throwing themselves at Michael Fucking Cera?
Allow me to quote myself.
I have no problem with sex in games, but if there's sex in it and the game doesn't revolve ENTIRELY around it, then yeah, I agree, the sex needs to feel natural and not shoehorned in for me to personally be interested. I feel the same way when I read books... it's like, "Yeah, okay, we clearly needed to stop the plot…
Thanks for the review (I am the publisher). While some people hate on Kotaku for various reasons, they are at least one of the few major websites who won't refuse to cover any adult game because "think of the children" and all that. So we do appreciate Kotaku.
What was said in his review was different.