
Im sorry, but HELL NO. Cut that $6,500 price is half and you would STILL be asking double what it’s worth. Not to mention these model rangers have some horribly notorious problems, and just because it doesn't have any problems yet at 65,000 miles doesn't mean they won't crop up at 70,000 or 80,000 miles. Plus, I mean

Go ahead. Most drones are registered with the FAA now and as such are protected by the same laws that protected manned aircraft. Shooting at a drone, obstructing it’s ability to operate, or harassing/interfering with the remote pilot, carries the same penalties as shooting at a manned aircraft or interfering with the

Go ahead. Most drones are registered with the FAA now and as such are protected by the same laws that protected manned aircraft. Shooting at a drone, obstructing it’s ability to operate, or harassing/interfering with the remote pilot, carries the same penalties as shooting at a manned aircraft or interfering with the

Im disappointed you didn’t ACTUALLY test it over mobile data. You can very easily start a mobile wifi hotspot on one device and connect to it with another device and then it doesn't even know your using mobile data since your technically connected to WiFi. It would of at least been an interesting test.

Are there mother f'ing snakes on that mother f'ing plane?!

What the hell is an Activity Launcher app? Im using an Android 9 phone and I've never seen any Activity Launcher app...

Quickest way to get article 13 repealed: YouTube, twitch, etc all need to start totally 100% blocking ALL European users from accessing they're services. No viewing, no uploading, no access at all. It'll be repealed in days or weeks at most.

You people are idiots. There were no toll reviews of this movie on rotten. This site simply asked a YES or NO question, “are you interested in seeing this movie”, to which 76% of people said NO! That’s not tolling, that’s not leaving negative reviews of a movie you haven’t seen, it’s just a simple question and simple

These drones can be rigged up with a prepaid 4g LTE connection relatively cheaply and can literally be controled from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. The operator is probably nearby though, but may be many miles away (outside normal drone control range). And if the drone is 4g LTE controlled, good

All this just means you’ll be perfectly happen when humanity has personal servant robots that you can command to chop your firewood, do your dishes, pull yours weeds, and you can just smile and watch. ..... or that you would’ve been a happier person in the 1800's earlier 1900's with an actual “servant”.

Call it whatever you want, but when I have two parents and one aunt who always get flu shots every year and then ALWAYS 100% of the time are sick for several days to a week afterwards (and are typically healthy all year long besides then), it's NOT a coincidence. 

I’ve owned Overwatch since the day it released, and to this day I’ve never joined a competitive match, not even once. Gaming is suppose to be fun, not what your describing..

My phone it setup to automatically block every single call that’s not from someone in my contacts and send it straight to voicemail. A legit callers will either leave a voicemail or hangup and text me.

Nothing, because I just f’ing destroyed my i7-4790k two days ago trying to delid it via the vise only method. Live-n-learn I guess.

Why is nobody talking about the lack of any vehicle upgrades in this version of forza?? What has always made forza such a great game was the ability to buy parts and upgrade your cars, like adding turbos, suspension, transmissions, hell even full engine and drivetrain swaps! Any forza game without these features is