At least get your facts straight. The mcdonalds coffee verdict was due to the coffee being hotter than it should have been, and a defective lid. She got 3rd degree burns on her inner thighs.
At least get your facts straight. The mcdonalds coffee verdict was due to the coffee being hotter than it should have been, and a defective lid. She got 3rd degree burns on her inner thighs.
No it wouldn’t have. The situation had been escalated to the point the driver could reasonably fear for his safety. He tried to retreat by rolling up the window. As long as the gun was legal there would be no issue.
Well, seeing how the seller mentions the commercial, and describes it I am going out on a limb and saying that yes, he probably knows.
Spare accessory drive belts if applicable. A length of heater hose. Along with spare fuses, spare bulbs for headlights, brake and turn indicators. A blanket and flares. A bag of kitty litter for getting unstuck in the winter, and a funnel for pouring fluids. If you don’t want to carry a real one, service stations…
“Dishonest sealioning? What? Is it really that important for you to be right? They guy was attempting to empathize with someone over something he himself has never experienced. It sounds as if you have, and you have my sympathy, outrage, and sincere desire that you are surrounded by those who love you and are able to…
“Do you have brakes at all? No? Ya, as fast as you can.”
The problem is there’s a lot of stupid people who have driver’s licenses. This should be required watching.
I have to assume in Texas a class “C” is a CDL. In Oregon, a class “C” is what everyone has, to drive professionally you have to have a CDL, or what used to be called a class “A”. Apropos of nothing, of course.
Wish I could watch this but I’ve adopted a firm “no fucktarded vertical video” policy. The kid doesn’t even understand how screens are shaped. He deserved this.
Um, no? Yes. No.
That’s actually his name. Pinin Farina.
Um, so what? The shifter on the ‘84 Chevette I had as a teenager mounted directly to the transmission in much the same way. Only difference was someone bothered to finish the interior so there was a boot over the mechanical bits.
Grey poop on what? I’ll see myself out...
It was an existing car that AC produced, the Ace. Last I knew, AC is still around.
“Their.” “Their mother."
Walmart sells steering wheels?
Am I the only one that noticed the huge gap under and forward of the passenger door, and the way the belt line isn’t quite straight? I thought this story was written ironically after I read the headline and saw the pic.
Racist shit...
Well as I said, cops are certified by the state. If there’s any states that license cops by municipality I am not aware of it. I’m in oregon. All cops are certified by the state here. They generally respect jurisdiction as a professional courtesy but they have authority in the entirety of the state.