Phil Layshio

Can we all agree that SCREENS AREN’T SHAPED LIKE THAT and stop posting vertical video? Perhaps if we quit giving the mouth-breathing troglodytes attention they will learn...

Ya, cause if the staff gets infected, who will run the events? Staph infections might be a serious issue too.

I’m not even going to watch the video. She can’t string together a coherent sentence, I’m sure it’s vertical. Morons with cars and idiots with cameras.

Wtf is the “headies and the hammer (in there)?!?!?!?!"

This just reinforces my belief that “self driving” cars are a terrible, terrible idea. Seriously why is this even allowed?

Um, that should be restored.

Well, your analogy is a bit flawed there. 67 in a 70? Maybe it’s doing 75 in a 70? It certainly isnt doing below the speed limit.

Holy. Shit. My kids don’t know why I’m laughing and I just can’t tell them...

I would’ve loved to watch this, but screens aren’t shaped like this.

That looks cool as hell, and destined to break.

Yaya, but it all begins and ends with “driving while suspended.” He simply shouldn’t have been on the road.

Thanks, I never heard them called that before.

Seriously, why is this even allowed to be a thing? Drive your cars people!

Seriously, why is this even allowed to be a thing? DRIVE YOUR CARS, PEOPLE!

Seriously though why is this even allowed to be a thing? Drive your cars people!

That would have been smokey yunick. Best Nascar cheater ever. Now if only I was ungreyed so people could see that.

Um, the parcel shelf being a piece of carpeted fiberboard resting on two pegs and suspended by two cords made of shoelace material. One could just tell you to push it up and out of the way but I think this just might be Darwinism at work.

This.... is a Smart car without doors.

All the sensors in the world on the wheel and everywhere else is an idea I suppose. Or we could stop being morons and make people DRIVE. Seriously why is this even allowed to be a thing?

Seriously why is this even allowed to be a thing?