
It truly was just a bowl of cottage cheese contemplating life lakeside in The Hamptons.

She quickly cut back that I shouldn’t respond to hate w/ hate

Ugh, “hate is hate” is my least favorite phrase this week.

Most white people who aren’t assholes are fairly useless because they grew up never having to deal with confrontation. They watched their mothers greet the neighbor with air kisses and smiles even though she hated her guts. They spend their lives living in a polite bubble where they never air their true feelings for

Wait........what is this blasphemy about brushing/combing one’s hair backwards? I didn’t know black (men) exist with this inclination lol!

Male specific:

1) Really? No mention of Morgan Freeman in the Shawshank Redemption?!
2) Rashida Jones in Parks and Recreation?!

When I read that young woman’s story, I could already hear the fuckery ensue.... SOMEBODY is gonna questions her motives for telling now. Because somehow this shitbag is still NOT a predatorial waste of life. I love black people but I HATE niggas!

I’m gonna say evil people look like their soul has already left their body and their skin is only kept partially suspended over their bones by bugs like the alien on Men in Black.

I am 200% sure Steve Bannon has no internal organs, its just pus in there. Tons of gross pus. Don’t poke him.

You telling people to “suck it” seems aggressive. Why are you mad about what I DON’T believe? Be comfortable in your faith enough to leave non-believers alone about it. I am comfortable enough in my non-belief to say “Believe whatever the hell you want. I don’t believe it.” Atheists don’t believe in a god. How does

It is possible to believe in a higher power without all of the trappings of religion.

That...doesn’t make any sense. You cannot prove a negative. From a scientific perspective, there is no proof of the existence of the Biblical God. There’s no proof of the fantastical elements of the bible, and modern day “miracles” and “prophets” are always proven to be fakes. That doesn’t mean God isn’t real. That

I just wrote that I have respect for my family’s belief. I don’t believe it. You can believe whatever you want to believe as long as you don’t think your belief should be the law of the land. I have no problems with belief. Just don’t insist that I have to believe it. I don’t.


It is disrepectful to look upon the things that sustained our forebearers with disdain

A few things

1. Its interesting how this conversation dovetails with class based suspicion in black spaces as if somehow a modicum of class privilege (education or a bit of money) somehow made you less tolerant of clear nonsense (not to say that religion is nonsense but telling folks to take the bible literally is in

Or the music. Go to any concert in Atlanta and watch the crowd between acts when the DJ plays. All kinds of confusion.