
As if we are children. Saying “just” doesn’t make me sound like a child

I was a child I desperately wanted my hair in braids and knackers like my black friends but my mom wouldn’t let me because she’s a micro racist and thought it was ridiculous

I’d like your whole speech a lot more, if it weren’t coming from a Homophobic piece of shit like you! And saying all white people are racist is just as bad as saying all Latinos are Rapists, so I’m pretty sure you are just a conservative Donald Trump shrill. and your Homophobia and Transphobia proves it

I never said the teachers were awful, Matt Damon did, also I find that whole BS nostalga trip sort of bullshit too. I am 100% Matt Damon definitely didn’t go to a school anything like the one you teach at, he went to a nice happy white school like out of Save by the Bell. And as the child of two school teachers i find

He is not demonizing public school teachers by doing so.

Rachel Maddow is a huge Islamaphobe so i don’t really like when people link to her, could you not do this again

Matt Damon actually agrees 100% with Chris Christie when it comes to how awful teachers are, that is the exact reason Mat Damon gave for why he enrolled his kids to a private school despite him being such a public school advocate. Matt Damon thinks public school teachers are terrible at their jobs, so i guess knowing

Matt Damon actually agrees 100% with Chris Christie when it comes to how awful teachers are, that is the exact reason Mat Damon gave for why he enrolled his kids to a private school despite him being such a public school advocate

Matt Damon actually agrees 100% with Chris Christie when it comes to how awful teachers are, that is the exact reason Mat Damon gave for why he enrolled his kids to a private school despite him being such a public school advocate

This needs all the stars, every hipster i meet in Brooklyn loves to pretend that they are progressive, but they are just as racist as the people who love the Confederate Flag, they are just better at hiding their racism

You don’t like intolerance? I’m filing a Title IX complaint against you, for feminism!

This was in 1967. I was alive (a child, but alive) in 1967.

rachel dolezal is so glad this is up, she will be thrilled to learn she is 1/32 black

You attended a libertarian event! I’m filing a Title IX complaint against you!

you are the first person in history to actually like Ang Lee’s Hulk movie

yes! i’m wondering though if she’ll bring the visual style of selma into black panther. i would love to see that and it would be beautiful but doesn’t really go with mcu’s style

the American government (represented by Martin Freeman)

there are quite a few representatives that are trying to do something about harrassment right now, I mean maybe i should apolgise because i am talking from the view point of someone who constantly reads Jezebel and you are talking more as someone only talking about the latest John Oliver video, so our wires

so anyone that is pissed off at the huge white privliege that is congress and the news only focusing on the problems of white people (here specifically women) is apprently a neo-nazi person called a Gamergater? I mean how is me being a pissed off black man seeing these white women harrassment complaints being

but when a million black men die and only 1,000 white women die, why should we act like those are both equally bad. Are white women really worth 1,000 black men each? Just from the Jezebel articles on GamerGate, it seems only one year of suffering abuse from those GamerGate people leads to swift action in Congress on