
I hear you and I feel you, really. But it all depends on where and who you were at the time. MW knows full well, unless he's totally out to a three martini lunch now and forever, that there were plenty of us around, of all ages, at the time, who were plenty drenched in irony and innocence both and thought HillTop

It was iconic for my set, and yes I am an older person, I am in fact an old person, because the ad made us all furious. Weiner's notion that this was sometimes a great notion points to the fact that he was a kid when it came out. I don't doubt that others my age loved it. I hated it then and I hate it now. Which

Because I'm so completely annoyed with Weiner at this point, I could only laugh at his fearlessness and cluelessness in telling anybody anything about how, why, and when they opt to watch anything on tv. He comes across as a total ass in this interview and managed to remind me of what a dick he appeared to be in

He's definitely a romantic.

Chuckles. Love that!

I loved Lane's entire arc and thought the best episode of this last half season was the one Jared Harris directed. I had nothing against Megan at any point or Jessica Pare but much of what the show so good was lost when Lane was gone.

This is great and Warhol understood for sure and also refused to take a side on any matter of consequence, pretty much ever. That was his thing. But the kind of wry sophistication you see in this extended quote is nowhere to be found in Weiner's fangirly squeeing about the beauties of the Coke ad and its cosmic

My feeling exactly, Real Milkman. He really really needs to zip it. The scolding comments towards those of us who can't get behind the Coke ad and LOVE it to pieces make me feel like I'm having to deal with a stubborn teenager!

I'm right there with you Minimum Maus!

He's totally covering his posterior there with the "villainous as the snark of today" comment because there are plenty of us out here who are not on board with his greatest ad of all time line. And he's clearly not just talking about the, granted, amazing execution of the darn thing but about what he takes to be its

Weiner's love for this shallow, manipulative, corny ad just completely blows my mind. Well executed? Of course. But deep, comforting, and prophetic? Seriously? He was six or seven when HillTop got foisted on us — and it shows!

Well stated. I'm with you.

Weiner would be better off not saying a word. Have always hated that ad

That's right, Jack — said in nice way. I get that most men might not find the character attractive — or the actress. I think both can look great with a bit of effort, like most women. We tend to get what it takes to look good and, when it happens, we like to cheer it on. Elizabeth Moss has a fantastic figure, by

I so agree. She has never looked more attractive. Finally!

Love this conversation and comments. Have to disagree with the notion that at 30 one's life is somehow set in stone — good heavens, no! And the perfect being the enemy of the good is not only a brilliant phrase and concept in and of itself but has always seemed to define this show for me. Again and again and again,