
It’s a joke - everything in that sentence is tongue in cheek

Yeah I suppose they need all that room to show the first party exclusives I’m sure they’re working on.

The lack of a RDR PC port will forever be Rockstar’s ultimate troll. If they also do it for RDR 2, some people are gonna be mad.

So essentially:

Dario added an undershirt.

I never thought I would see Aja on Kotaku. Thanks sis.

I’m guessing because they don’t need to give enough of a fuck to put any work into tidying it up. They can dump it as-is, risk zero investment in any sort of improvements, and rake in the cash from people who will mash the buy button the moment they see “Chrono Trigger”.

This is so fucking stupid.

Does this mean that all the pain-in-the-ass, autoplaying “recent videos” that pop up all over the UniGawkerverse will go away?

Kingdom Hearts is the dumbest shit in the world and I’m fucking here day one at midnight to get this game.

Can we please, collectively as nerds and lovers of pop culture, stop venerating Chuck Norris? Please?

TSA upcoming new rule - Don’t bring paper or on board.

The thing I don’t understand here is why BioWare is breaking off onto a project that is (ostensibly; I may be ill-informed) designed to compete with Destiny.

BioWare was at its best with KOTOR, Mass Effect (prior to Andromeda—or the end of 3—and yes, I’m an ME 3 end growler), and Dragon Age. What the hell do they need

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pop Team Epic. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Popuko’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - her personal

Lol, Facebook.

I exist without social media and google listening to my home conversations. You know, like a fucking grown up.

To be fair very few of your decisions mattered in ME1 or 2 either, outside of which characters live and how they think of you. It doesn’t radically alter the story’s trajectory.

For me it’s tragic that the plot of the Quarian/Hanar/Drell ark went from DLC to tie-in novel, all because some fans thought the facial animations were exactly the same from ME3.

People of Japan, we don’t like him either.

Nah. Doug will always be the Geralt.