
A bunch of people on the internet who haven’t played the game yet are angry about something they haven’t experienced, but saw in a screenshot. That’s it! That does it for me. I had such high hopes but now it’s obvious this game is going to be terrible!

Well that was a real shit show

Allright so whos already started on making their own Cat island?

Yup, truly murdering Marcy is reserved for the PC master race.

can’t wait to make a neon sign that reads NEON SIGN

Pre-ordered the season pass, but I can’t bring myself to pick this game up again after hitting level 50.

Fuck yourself, bigot.

So GGs were complaining about censorship in Nintendo games, and now want Baldur’s Gate to be censored. the last DLC was about letting us control robots. This DLC is about letting us control the wildlife.

Yes because you enjoy video games it automatically makes you a fat slob... right.

You should probably blame Apple for using second-rate GPUs in every single one of their products. Even the one in the exorbitantly priced Mac Pro is a piece of trash compared to what graphics professionals need.

I have an 8-bit Mario tattoo on my left lower-arm. It’s funny to think that such a Japanese icon will actually prevent me from entering some iconic Japanese hot springs.

They did, it’s called the Dead Or Alive franchise.

cant wait to find out what fucked up experiments the people who created Giddyup Buttercup did

So girls dont like porn in your world? That must be a really depressing and shitty world...

Yes, it is so PC to say you want more options in your VR porn... The audacity.

How did it negatively affect you?

Nothing about the idea of a top-down(ish) game does anything for me. Fallout New Vegas will always hold a special place in my heart and you’d think that would be enough for me to even be remotely interested in other Obsidian projects. But I just can’t bring myself to try these kinds of games.

Gotta love a guy who’s passionate about his craft. His first update for post-marriage NPC dialogue/routines is already out :D