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Ok, this woman Enilsa Brown has loads of extraction videos on youtube...and she is the best...Puts Sandra Lee and her metal tool to shame. Her techniques are comparatively gentle and she gets all the crud out. She works on the same people over & over so you can see their skin improve. She made me go buy wooden stick

Occasional but regular usage of an ear wax removing hydrogen peroxide & glycerin product. No pain, just fizzing that can be rather ticklish at times. Since moving to a state with almost year round warm moist weather, what were autumn-only allergies increased in frequency to every two or so months (I assume due to polle

This kind of thing is very satisfying because we are -essentially - primates. Our DNA demands that we pick at scabs, run our fingers through our hair to pull the dross out, flick stuff out of our inner eyelids, our noses and peel dead skin off of our lips and from in between our toes. It’s satisfying the same way that

“never put anything smaller than your pinky in your ear” is what I was taught (NOT by my parents but from TV). My dad had to go to emergency twice when I was a kid because the cotton came off. And twice since!!!!!!

Hi. I hate you because I have no self control and watched that.

More proof that there is no point to camping. We live in houses for a reason.

I especially like audiology associates guy because he’s really good with the Jobson horne probe, which produces the most satisfying removal moments.

You’re never, ever supposed to clean your ears because the wax is necessary to...

Ear candling is the way to go. It feels great. 

Get these, they got little scoops and textured ends: fins I see they call em.

I was saving his work for tonight, can’t wait. 

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You are missing out if you don’t hit Audiology Associates Limited. A UK guy whose been doing this for years. You think Neel has the corner, lets just hit this particular one that I mesmerized the wife with:

I have one of those and I looove it.

Earwax removal videos are my favorite. I love seeing them pull out that giant honking ball of earwax.

Getting your ears cleaned feels amazing. When I was little, my mom would use these little bamboo earpicks to clean out my ears—perhaps to the horror of ENTs everywhere.

You may not want to mess with Texas, but you can defiantly shit on it. Looks like they want to have a some court cases all because they don’t want to follow the ADA. Don’t they have better things to waste their money on then this crap? Honestly. 

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for their employees’ religious beliefs.  Allowing government employees pick-in-choose their clients based on their religious beliefs is not a reasonable accommodation.  It is also unfair to the clients and the other social workers who

Next Step: Medical Staff can also turn away the sick and elderly.

“Your rule needs to match what the statute is,” Spinks said.

But they’re social workers, I don’t understand.