God, can you imagine the outrage if someone had even spit at Taylor Swift, let alone shot her?
God, can you imagine the outrage if someone had even spit at Taylor Swift, let alone shot her?
Yeah, this has got to be fraud as well as malpractice.
This sounds spot on, a full hysterectomy is decently involved procedure so most likely attracts a good sum for the surgeon.
Rachel Maddow had something on this tonight. Barbaric.
I’m thinking this guy did a couple of operations, got paid and saw no one was checking up on him. Bingo! New income stream for him and the hospital. And hey...they’re detainees. No one cares what happens to them. No one is going to listen to them. The racism and greed are tightly intertwined.
The UN defines taking action to prevent pregnancy in a specific group as genocide. So, specifically, that’s the crime. We’re that kind of country now.
and claimed that he requires the approval of the detention center before conducting any procedures
To anyone in this world, who likely is nowhere near this website: if you’re still ‘undecided’ at this point, you know where you’d stand when they opened Auschwitz.
If this is deemed to be true, this wannabe Dr. Mengele should be prosecuted to the very furthest extent of the law. What an absolute fucking ghoul and cartoon monster of a “doctor.”
Yeah, it’s never a good moment when you get to the eugenics portion of the slide towards fascism...
“According to the whistleblower in Project South’s complaint, Amin recently took out the wrong ovary on a detained woman. She was supposed to get her left ovary removed because it had a cyst on the left ovary; he took out the right one. She was upset. She had to go back to take out the left and she wound up with a…
Insert uterus giving finger image.
“...he requires the approval of the detention center before conducting any procedures, denying the allegations that he had performed operations without informed patient consent.”
These are two different concepts. Also, does Dr. Mahendra Amin speak Spanish, and how long does he confer with his patients before he…
“I don’t know why. I just — I don’t know why. He does a lot of $urgerie$.”
what the fuck is going on in this country?
How many artists are suing Trump at this point? There was another one last week I think. How many people are suing Trump in total for everything?
I seriously think it’s some kind of middle aged white guy deficiency. A lot of middle aged women have calcium deficiencies? Middle ages men have CCC deficiency: Comprehension, Coolness and Clue.
He’s the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means
And I say he’s the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means
And I say…
Trump is literally the personification of that song and I’m sure he has absolutely no idea what it’s about except ‘Nam.
My tiny, superconservative Indiana town used to play “Born in the USA” every July 4, and it always made me giggle because obviously nobody ever actually listened to the lyrics.