
True Romance is one of my favorite movies of all time!!! I adored her & Christian Slater in that wild ride of crazy mishaps & awesome cameo performances. That scene in the hotel room where the guy from the Soprano's attempts to kill her & she shows him that she has "whole lotta heart" & a corkscrew...amazing.

I've always had a soft spot for Amsterdam. Aside from from the whole pot situation which I support. I have heard some great music from there. Plus they generally have a good quality of life & most people speak & understand English as well as other languages. Low crime rates. Good health care. The more I type the more

You should change the end of that to "go slowly fuck yourself in the anus with a chainshaw while dunking your balls in sulferic acid & choke on to death on the largest available gential warts covered crab infested cock belonging to a fellow inmate or a prisonprison guard, but until then enjoy the daily brutal American

Taint that a shame.

Don't any of you watch Downton Abbey? They had diaphragms back in the 1920s. I'm pretty sure condoms were also available in Europe.

Can we replace raw eggs with eggs Florentine or scrambled eggs & baby potatoes with cheese or sunnyside up eggs with toasted English muffins? If yes then my single ass will live forever bitches bwahaha!!! Winning!!!

Pure fucking genius lol and you get a pizza & you get a pizza & you get a pizza!!!

See also Eskimo brother

Random, but apparently I was born in the last year to be able to be considered Gen-X.

I've heard the statistic as 1 in 3 women will be raped at some point in their life. Unfortunate & disturbing, but considering my personal life experience probably more correct.

So much this!!! It would have been a much better performance!!!

I didn't make up the term. It's frequently used by men I know. Not sure if it's a regional thing or not. Just simply stating that it is a fairly commonly used term amongst men I happen to know.

I need this catsuit right meow!!!

So I have 2 extremely awesome cats Chibi Moon & Rini Luna. They like flashy weird blacklights & such. They love loud banging beats. Chibi prefers DNB & I think Rini is more of a funky disco house kinda kitty. They love house parties with my turntables bumping & lots of people to pet them & say how totes adorbs they

I liked Iggy's dress. However Miley was a sweaty hot mess high lol.

I would totes have too cut a bitch. Just saying.

I hate to break this to you guys, but that obnoxious derogatory nickname "Igloo Australia" manages to be both racist & sexist. The racist part should be pretty obvious because if we flipped this around & instead of a black woman insulting a white woman; had a white woman insulting a black woman with a color based

Ariana Grande looks like a Bratz doll came to life. I like Iggy. Miley was super fucking high. I'm a retired drug dealer & therefore in my professional opinion she was on a meth binge or just inhaled a wheelbarrow full of Peruvian flake coke directly before getting on stage. Just saying.

Weirdly enough I do know tons of gay men that love that fucking silly ass song. I was at a gay bar & I Kissed a Girl came on & the dancefloor errupted with writhing squealing craziness. It also has a gay boy parody version that gets played at the more preppy gay bar around here.